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Revision as of 17:38, 24 November 2021 by Bimbatus (Talk | contribs) (Asia)

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Grid Compass.png

Regions are areas of Land that affect the types of crops, trees, and animals that will spawn in an area. Unlike Vanilla Biomes, Regions do not affect the terrain in an area. Mountain Ranges may spawn along region boundaries. The regions are based off Earth's continents, and include Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The positioning of Regions are completely random, and do not correspond to the continents on Earth in any way.


Region Description Images
Asia - -
Africa - -
Europe - -
Americas - -

Crop Asia Africa Europe Americas
Grid Agave.png Agave
Grid Barley (Harvest).png Barley
Grid Black-Eyed Peas.png Black Eyed Peas
Grid Cabbage (Harvest).png Cabbage
Grid Carrot (Harvest).png Carrot
Grid Cotton.pngCotton
Grid Flax.pngFlax
Grid Garlic (Harvest).png Garlic
Grid Grapes.png Grape
Grid Greenbean (Harvest).png Greenbean
Grid Jute.png Jute
Grid Madder Root.png Madder
Grid Maize (Harvest).png Maize
Grid Melon.png Melon
Grid Oat (Harvest).png Oat
Grid Onion (Harvest).png Onion
Grid Potato.png Potato
Grid Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Grid Red Bell Pepper (Harvest).png Red Bell Pepper
Grid Rice (Harvest).png Rice
Grid Rye (Harvest).png Rye
Grid Soybean (Harvest).png Soybean
Grid Squash (Harvest).png Squash
Grid Sugarcane.png Sugarcane
Grid Tomato (Harvest).png Tomato
Grid Weld Root.png Weld
Grid Wheat (Harvest).png Wheat
Grid Woad Leaves.pngWoad
Grid Yellow Bell Pepper (Harvest).png Yellow Bell Pepper


The Asia Region currently spawns the following trees: Oak, Aspen, Birch, Chestnut, Hickory, Ash, Maple, Pine, Redwood, Spruce, Sycamore, White Elm, Willow, Palm, Ebony, Gingko, Bamboo, Ghaf, Yew and Teak.

Fruit trees that will spawn in Asia are Red Apples, Green Apples, Banana, Orange, Lemon, Cherry, Peach, Plum, and Dates.

Crops that naturally spawn here are: Carrot, Garlic, Flax, Jute, Onion, Rice, Rye, Soybean, Sugarcane, Wheat, and Woad.

Animals that naturally spawn here are: Aurochs, Bison, Ibex, Mouflon, Wild Boar, Deer, Bear, Wolf, Wild Horse, Jungle Foul, Pheasant.

A special effect of the Asian region is that Straw Hats crafted here will look Conical, as opposed to the square Straw Hats that will be made in other regions.


The Africa Region currently spawns the following trees: Oak, Ash, Maple, Pine, Spruce, Acacia, Willow, Palm, Ebony, Mahogany, Fever tree, Baobab, Yew and Limba.

Fruit trees that will spawn in Africa are Olives and Dates

Crops that naturally spawn here are: Barley, Black eyed peas, Flax, Grapes, Melons, Rice, Rye, Weld, and Wheat.

Animals that naturally spawn here are: Aurochs, Water Buffalo, Ibex, Warthog, Deer, Zebra, Wild Ass.


The Europe Region currently spawns the following trees: Oak, Aspen, Birch, Chestnuts, Pine, Spruce, Sycamore, White Elm, Willow, Laurel, Yew and Palm.

Fruit trees that will spawn in Europe are Red Apples, Green Apples, Olive, and Dates.

Crops that naturally spawn here are: Barley, Cabbage, Carrot, Flax, Grape, Madder, Oat, Onion, and Wheat.

Animals that naturally spawn here are: Aurochs, Ibex, Mouflon, Wild Boar, Deer, Bear, Wolf, Pheasant.


The Americas Region currently spawns the following trees: Oak, Aspen, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Hickory, Acacia, Ash, Maple, Pine, Redwood, Spruce, White Cedar, Willow, Kapok, Palm, Mahoe, Joshua, and Mahogany.

Fruit trees that will spawn in America are Plum, Cherry, and Papaya.

Crops that naturally spawn here are: Grapes, Green beans, Maize, Potato, Pumpkin, Red/Yellow Bell Peppers, Squash, and Tomatoes.

Animals that naturally spawn here are: Bison, Bighorn Sheep, Peccary, Deer, Bear, Wolf, Wild Horse, Pheasant.

Determining the region

A process of elimination can be used to determine the region you are in

When a Compass is held or a Brass Compass is in the hotbar, the current region will be shown in the top-left corner of the screen.

If a compass is not available, the unique flora and fauna that spawns in a region can be used to discern it. For example, Black-Eyed Peas and Baobab trees only spawn in Africa. Finding these will guarantee that the player is in Africa. <translate>
