TerraFirmaCraft:Wiki Editing Tips/To Do

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List of stuff unique to TFC+ vs TFC. If it's already been added to the wiki use <s>Strike-through</s> to cross it off.

Wooden Items/Blocks

Barrel: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Chest: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Chopped Log: Acacia, Ash, Aspen, Bamboo, Bamboo, Baobab, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Ebony, Fever, Fevertree, Fruitwood, Gingko, Hickory, Kapok, Limba, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Palm, Pine, Sequoia, Spruce, Sycamore, Teak, White Cedar, White Elm, Willow
Door: Bamboo, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Fence: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Gate: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Large Log: Acacia, Ash, Aspen, Bamboo, Baobab, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Hickory, Kapok, Limba, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Palm, Pine, Sequoia, Spruce, Sycamore, Teak, White Cedar, White Elm, Willow
Log: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Loom: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Lumber: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Planks: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruit, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Plastered wood: Acacia, Ash, Aspen, Bamboo, Baobab, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Hickory, Kapok, Limba, Mahogany, Maple, Oak, Palm, Pine, Sequoia, Spruce, Sycamore, Teak, White Cedar, White Elm, Willow
Sapling: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm Teak
Support Beam: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak
Tool Rack: Bamboo, Baobab, Ebony, Fever, Fruitwood, Gingko, Limba, Mahogany, Palm, Teak

Stone Items/Blocks

Chimney: Andesite, Basalt, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Dacite, Diorite, Dolomite, Gabbro, Gneiss, Granite, Limestone, Marble, Phyllite, Quartzite, Rhyolite, Rock Salt, Schist, Shale, Slate
Mudbrick: Andesite, Basalt, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Dacite, Diorite, Dolomite, Gabbro, Gneiss, Granite, Limestone, Marble, Phyllite, Quartzite, Rhyolite, Rock Salt, Schist, Shale, Slate

Clothing & Sewing

Bear Fur: Boots, Coat, Hat
Bear Fur: large, medium, small
Bone Needle
Bone Needle Threaded
Boot Soles: leather, wolf, bear
Boot Tops: bear, leather, wolf
Coat Back: bear, linen, silk, wolf, wool, Coat Front bear, Coat Front linen, Coat Front silk, Coat Front wolf, Coat Front wool
Flax Fiber
Grass: Cloak, Sandals, Shirt, Skirt
Hat Piece: bear, leather, linen, silk, wolf, wool
Iron Needle
Iron Needle Thread
Leather Sandals
Linen: Coat, Hat, Pants, Robe, Shirt, Socks
Linen Cloth
Linen String
Pants Piece: leather, linen, silk, wool
Quiver Piece leather
Saddle Piece leather
Shirt Body: leather, linen, silk, wool
Shirt Sleeves: bear, leather, linen, silk, wolf, wool
Silk: Coat, Hat, Pants, Robe, Shirt, Socks
Silk String
Sock Cloth: linen, silk, wool
Strap leather
Straw Hat
Wolf Fur: Boots, Coat, Hat
Wolf Fur: large, medium, small
Wool: Coat, Hat,Pants, Robe, Shirt, Socks

Crops, Seeds, & Food

Black-Eyed Peas
Banana (tree is changed)
FruitSapling: Date, Papaya
Madder Root
Pumpkin Shell
Red Mushroom
Seeds: Black-Eyed Peas, Flax, Grapes, Madder, Melon, Pumpkin, Weld, Woad
Weld Root
Woad Leaves


Berry Wine
Black Dye
Blue Dye
Red Dye
White Dye
Yellow Dye


Blowing horn
Bone Flute
Bone Fragment
Bow Firestarter
Brass Tube
Brown Mushroom
Ceramic Blowpipe
Ceramic Blowpipe Glass
Ceramic Bucket
Ceramic Mold Sheet
Ceramic Mold Trowel
Ceramic Roof
Ceramic Tile
Clay Blowpipe
Clay Bucket
Clay Mold Sheet
Clay Mold Trowel
Clay Tile
Conch horn
DyePowder light_blue
Hollow Bone
Lyre unstrung
Molten Glass
Plaster of Paris: Liquid, Solid
Powder Ash
Powder Gypsum
Powder Plaster
Powder Sylvite
Seashell conch
Seashell scallop
Soda Ash
Straw Basket
Trowel: Bismuth Bronze, Black Bronze, Black Steel, Blue Steel, Bronze, Copper, Red Steel, Steel, Wrought Iron
Trowel_Head: Bismuth Bronze, Black Bronze, Black Steel, Blue Steel, Bronze, Copper, Red Steel, Steel, Wrought Iron
Unstrung bow
Water Bottle
Wooden Spear
Wooden Staff

  • fishing rod vs vanilla recipe
  • glass bottles vs vanilla
  • moss


  • silica sands
  • quartzite Quartzite sand now spawns on nearly all beaches
  • glass block
  • glass pane
  • tropical areas with jungles are more likely to have white-sand beaches, made of chalk sand.
  • regions
  • body temp
    • one bar on meter = how many degrees of temp?
    • Drinking water from a bottle or jug will give you 1:30 or 2:00 of +1 to heat protection
    • Standing next to a lit fire pit or forge will give you 0:01 of +1 cold protection each second up until 2:00​​​​
    • Wetness and proximity to fires or forges are taken into account
  • dyeing
  • sewing
  • Item reach
  • Trees seasonal changes
    • conditions for leaf loss and growth?
  • wild crops spawn based on region rainfall and temp
  • raw meats to be eaten (with a chance of getting food poisoning based on food decay)
  • Red mushrooms always poison you when eaten raw
  • Raw foods restore less hunger than cooked foods (25% less for raw, 50% more for cooked)
  • Cooking food will decrease the weight based on water content (with increases to how much cooked food restores, this is still beneficial)
  • Some foods restore water when eaten:Melon, Orange, Peach
  • fishing
  • knife attack modes
  • forges and crucibles can be used to directly cast the bronzes or copper into molds
  • saplings from decayed fruit


  • fish