Modpack Development

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Introduction to Modpack Development for TFC+

This guide is written to guide complete beginners in minecraft modpack making to making their own TFC+ modpack. It will teach you everything required (or otherwise lead you to sources). We will assume a basic understanding of Minecraft modding for the client from you (setting up forge, putting mods and their API's into the mods folder, etc.)

Basics of Mod Compatibility and Recipe Modification

The recommended way of modifying TFC+ recipes, and for modifying recipes in general, is to use minetweaker3 with the TFC+ compatibility addon written for it. A guide to minetweaker can be found here. The TFC+ compatibility is here. Specifically refer to the example recipes in order to understand how minetweaker fits into TFC. We also recommend checking out pre-existing modpack scripts in order to see applied examples with inter-mod compatibility.

To get a list of all items in your pack, type /minetweaker names in the console. To generate a list of liquids, use /mt liquids


There are several ways of exporting your modpack. The easiest way (using a GUI) is to export from a launcher like curse, gdlauncher, or atlauncher. You can export not only mods, but your configs and any other file you want. This is fine if your goal is to make curseforge modpacks, but can be inadequate if you want modrinth compatibility, or non-curse mods. It also does not allow packaging optifine (a faster way of gathering mods is to download manually and add them to the pack folder, it'll be matched with curse automatically!). A more powerful tool in creating modpacks (that allows for git version control) is to use Packwiz. This will allow for exporting modrinth, curse, and packwiz packs. This tool still does not allow for packaging optifine if you are uploading to curseforge. For that, you must use mcinstance loader, which downloads optifine at runtime.