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Revision as of 23:36, 9 June 2014 by Kittychanley (Talk | contribs) (Refining --> Threshing?)

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Refining --> Threshing?

You've been using the term "Refining" in your cereal updates. Would "Threshing" be a better choice (separating grain from a plant)? Unless you prefer to use a term that generalizes over more than just grains.

Also, maybe move nutrient info to a Planting section of Usage (i.e., usage of seeds), and add info on growth times and an image of growth stages (like in Agriculture)?

munin · Grid Blueprint.png Grid Steel Pickaxe.png · 21:21, 9 June 2014 (UTC)

We've been using the word "refining" since the feature was implemented, it's even the official term used in the changelogs. The general term is better imo, since a lot of people don't know what "threshing" is without having to look it up. I agree that the usage section needs to be separated, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Feel free to submit a proof of concept for it. Growth times don't really work other than "very slow, slow, fast, etc" because they are so variable and dependent on the surrounding environment. In perfect conditions, a fast crop might grow in two months, but that exact same crop in bad conditions could take 8 months to grow. The images for growth stages are already in the block template, and there is a screenshot of the mature crop in the gallery. --Kittychanley (talk) 21:36, 9 June 2014 (UTC)