Difference between revisions of "TerraFirmaCraft:How To Contribute"

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(Getting Images of new blocks)
m (Sizes)
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A 36x36 px with the naming convention: '''Grid_Flat_Item.png''' is used for knapping materials.
A 36x36 px with the naming convention: '''Grid_Flat_Item.png''' is used for knapping materials.
A 150x150 px with the naming convention: '''Item.png''' is used in the block info template for an item's individual wiki page. A gif can be used instead of a png for the larger item image. Use a frame delay of 2000 ms.
A 150x150 px with the naming convention: '''Item.png''' is used in the block info template for an item's individual wiki page. For most items/blocks with variant textures, it is better to use separate images (for example, the various versions of Large Bricks). But when a single item or block has multiple states (ex: an open or closed gate), A gif can be used instead of a png for the larger item image. Use a frame delay of 2000 ms.
=== New versions of images not updating? ===
=== New versions of images not updating? ===

Revision as of 05:51, 4 February 2020

This article aims to aid new editors with starting to edit the TFC+ wiki. Please feel free to add your own notes, as long as they aren't obvious.

Writing Style

TL;DR: Don't overwrite, and don't underwrite, either.

TFC+ players come from all across the world, at varying levels of English understanding. Keep your words simple, and yet not too simple. Keep sentences short.

  • Don't write lists of more than 3 objects, as they sound like run-on sentences. Use a table instead, or change the sentence.
  • Don't address the player directly ("you") - our purpose is to inform, not to instruct.
  • Use the active voice.
  • Don't omit words to make your text more simple. Don't pad text to make it sound fancier.
  • Group sections that are similar together - don't create a new top-level section for every topic!
  • Use lists where applicable.
  • Get familiar with Wiki syntax!
Don't Do
A stone-age building block. Not affected by gravity, but vulnerable to rain. Mudbrick is one of the two building blocks crafted from Mud. Mudbrick will turn back into dirt when wet. For this reason, it is advisable to cover the Mudbricks with a Roof, such as a Thatch Roof.
The environment is now dependent, not only on rainfall and latitude, but on a third variable called Regions which will determine what species of flora and fauna are available there, based off of Earth's continents (Asia, Africa, etc...). These regions will also determine certain crafting results, such as the Straw Hat recipe making a Dǒulì when crafted in an Asian region. The environment now generates with a third variable, Regions, which will determine which plants and animals are available there. These regions are based off of Earth's continents. These regions will also determine certain crafting results, such as the Straw Hat recipe making a hat resembling a conical hat when crafted in an Asian region.
The aforementioned clothing comes in the form of Hats Shirts, Pants, Socks, Boots, Sandals, Robes, and Coats... Clothing is craftable from a variety of materials that provide their own unique bonuses.
Several Musical instruments have been added: TFC+ adds several Musical instruments:

Wiki Policy

Please merge multiple small pages with similar content together.

To-Do List

/To Do

Note about using search bars on special wiki pages

File search (eg: the search box on Special:ListFiles) is broken. This is a long-standing bug with the wiki software. The way to work around it is to drop the first letter from your search term. So if you want to find "linen", search for "inen" instead. :/

Creating A New Page

There is a template for quickly creating new item pages: {{subst:NewItem}} See the documentation here. There is also a version for NewBlock.

Knapping Template

Here is the blank knapping template:

|A1= |B1= |C1= |D1= |E1=
|A2= |B2= |C2= |D2= |E2=
|A3= |B3= |C3= |D3= |E3= 
|A4= |B4= |C4= |D4= |E4= 
|A5= |B5= |C5= |D5= |E5=

Materials used in knapping template have "Flat" in the filename. ex: Flat Straw, Flat Leather, Flat Linen, etc. Just add the name of the material next to the cell you want it displayed in and leave the other entries blank. For example:

|A1= Flat Straw |B1= |C1= |D1= |E1= Flat Straw
|A2= Flat Straw |B2= |C2= |D2= |E2= Flat Straw
|A3= Flat Straw |B3= |C3= |D3= |E3= Flat Straw 
|A4= Flat Straw |B4= |C4= |D4= |E4= Flat Straw 
|A5= Flat Straw |B5= Flat Straw |C5= Flat Straw |D5= Flat Straw |E5= Flat Straw
|Output= Straw Basket}}

results in:

Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw title= Straw Basket
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw

The exception to the above are the clay knapping recipes. instead of either showing the material or being blank, clay either shows a light version or a dark (molded, or pressed in) version. so in a clay recipe, every entry is filled with either CFL (Clay Flay Light) or CFD (Clay Flat Dark). For example:

|A1= CFD|B1= CFL|C1= CFL|D1= CFL |E1= CFD
|A2= CFL|B2= CFL|C2= CFL|D2= CFL |E2= CFL
|A3= CFL|B3= CFL|C3= CFL|D3= CFL |E3= CFL
|A4= CFL|B4= CFL|C4= CFL|D4= CFL |E4= CFL
|A5= CFD|B5= CFL|C5= CFL|D5= CFL|E5= CFD
|Output= Clay Vessel

results in:

CFD CFL CFL CFL CFD title= Clay Vessel

There is another version of the template that begins {{Grid/Knapping that's sometimes used on the wiki when there are alternate knapping recipes. This template allows the pattern to animate, but it is buggy: it resizes the alt textures to 32px). In the few cases there are two knapping recipes for something, it's usually swapping materials as a whole (wolf fur vs bear fur) or it's mirroring the pattern (clay axe mold). It might be better to just make a note in the text instead.

Alternate outputs can be animated by listing them in the appropriate space separated by a semicolon. To add a number to the output, follow the name with a comma and the number.

"Any_ItemName" templates

We have a couple templates that can be used inside crafting grids to cycle through all variants of a tool.

So instead of entering A2= Stone Knife inside your grid to get:Stone Knife

you can enter A2= {{Any_Knife}} to get: Stone Knife

There are also "any" templates for Javelin, Javelin Head, and logs. List of "Any" templates is [here].

{{Any String}} = weavable strings: linen, wool, silk

{{Any Binding}} = strings + sinew

If you want to make other tool versions, just replace TOOL in the code below with the item you want and save it as a template. Note: not all tools have a stone variant.
Stone TOOL; Copper TOOL; Bronze TOOL; Bismuth Bronze TOOL; Black Bronze TOOL; Wrought Iron TOOL; Steel TOOL; Black Steel TOOL; Blue Steel TOOL; Red Steel TOOL

Creating a new Recipe Template

Certain recipes need to be displayed multiple places across the wiki and it can be tedious to keep typing out the recipe grids. You could copy/paste, but then then if the recipe changes in the future, you have to find and edit every instance.

Instead of writing out the recipe by hand on each page, you can record the recipe in the Recipe Template. This allows the recipe to be easily transcluded into guides like Stone-Age Guide or pages such as Differences from TFC or Crafting Differences. This would mean a recipe's knapping grid or inventory crafting grid would be at Template:Recipe/ItemName and invoked by adding
to a page. Changes made to the recipe subpage would be reflected anywhere it is invoked. See the Recipe Template for documentation and a list of recipes. See the wikicode in this section of the Stone-Age Guide for a live example.

Uploading Images

Finding Images

The textures can be found in the mod folder (or unzipped jar) under \assets\terrafirmacraftplus\textures.


When you scale them up set interpolation to none or nearest neighbor to keep the pixel edges clean. For batch editing, I use the BIMP 2.0 extension for GIMP 2.10 to scale a whole folder of images.

Naming Conventions

Files names should have the first letter of each word capitalized. The exception is when ProPick is used. Spaces and underscores are interchangeable. ex: Foo Bar.png or Foo_Bar.png not Foo bar.png.


Items may need to be uploaded in two versions:

A 32x32 px with the naming convention: Grid_Item.png is used for items in [crafting grid templates.]

A 36x36 px with the naming convention: Grid_Flat_Item.png is used for knapping materials.

A 150x150 px with the naming convention: Item.png is used in the block info template for an item's individual wiki page. For most items/blocks with variant textures, it is better to use separate images (for example, the various versions of Large Bricks). But when a single item or block has multiple states (ex: an open or closed gate), A gif can be used instead of a png for the larger item image. Use a frame delay of 2000 ms.

New versions of images not updating?

If you upload a new version of an image and it is displaying the old version, open the direct link to the image and append ?action=purge to the url (but before any #) and hit enter. This might fix it.

Other times it's on your side and you need to do a hard refresh (shift+F5, or Ctrl-F5, etc.)

If an article renders an image as missing, you may have to edit and save the page or section without making changes to tell the wiki server to rebuild the page.

Displaying uploaded images on a page

[[ Image:Image.jpg | frame(or thumb) | position | 300px | caption ]]

Page markers

These templates add a message indicating the status of the page:

  • Template:NeedsUpdating ({{NeedsUpdating}}) - For pages which have information that need to be updated to match TFC+.
  • Template:Stub ({{Stub}}) - For pages that are extremely short and need expanding.
  • Template:Wip ({{Wip}}) - For pages that are currently being worked on over time.

{{wip}}{{About}}{{Back}}{{Delete}}{{Cleanup}}{{Disclaimer}}{{Expand section}}{{Fraction}}{{Future}}{{GridImage}}{{Merge}}{{Orphan}}{{Outdated}}{{Reflist}}{{Removedstillingame}}{{Useless}}{{^}}{{v}}

{{:TerraFirmaCraft:Wiki Edits/VersionUpdate/disclaimer}}

Creating new grid templates

If there isn't already a template created for a crafting method (ex: one had to be created for displaying sewing recipes) here are the steps to putting a new template together:

  • copy the template table from another template and delete everything inside (other than the {| and |} rows)
  • make a "header row" which will decide the widths for each column: it should look like
| width="36"|
| width="36"|
| width="36"|
| width="50"| <- For example, if you want to leave a space between the inputs and the outputs
| width="50"| <- The output grid.

(Wiki standard for Grid widths is 36)

  • Make the grid rows. Use rowspan="" to decide how many rows they stretch across, if you want things below the table, for example. I suggest using a placeholder such as {{Grid|Raw Porkchop, 20}} for now, to prevent yourself from getting confused.
  • Make the "arrow" - use rowspan="", align="", and colspan="" to align it.
  • Make the output - use rowspan="2" for it to wrap over 2 rows of grid slots, for example. Wiki standard is Width=54

so as you can see, pretty """""simple""""""

Changelog and confirmed upcoming features

If Dunk confirms an addition, change, or fix in a future update, you can add it to the commented section (<!-- This is a comment -->) of wikicode on the changelog page. When the new version comes out, it will be there ready to move into the visible part of the article.

Getting Images of new blocks (not items)

there are some blocks that render in the inventory differently than in the world. For those, you will want to enable the line in the TFCconfig file that renders held item in the inventory window. Then screenshot the rendered item and make a 150 and 32 px version of it.

For blocks like barrels that look pretty much the same in inventory as in the world follow theses steps to create iso-style images for the wiki:

  • install the mineshot mod. This will allow you to place the camera at an iso angle.
  • optional: install texture pack with flat bright color blocks, for example, the ChromaClay resource pack that is pinned on the FTC+ wiki channel. this replaces stained clays with blocks that are easy to key out.
  • Make a new creative world
  • type /gamerule doDaylightCycle false this stops the sun
  • type /time set day this makes it morning
  • type /time add 6000 this places the sun directly overhead
  • Turn off smooth lighting and any shaders. this allows even lighting of the blocks
  • Make sure brightness is at default
  • Make a stage to place the blocks on, like some of the stained clay blocks.
  • place the items you want to capture images of. if they are full blocks, you may need to leave a space or two between them
  • hit numpad 5 to ender mineshot's iso view
  • use + or - to zoom (I had to zoom in once to get items to a 150-ish pixel scale)
  • F1 to hide hud and cursor
  • F2 to capture screenshot(s)
  • open the screenshot(s) in an image editor
  • May need to add alpha channel (transparency) to the image (in Gimp, right click layer, add alpha channel)
  • use the select by color tool, with no anti-aliasing, set threshold low and click on background
  • delete background
  • crop and scale (no interpolation) as needed.
  • the image needs to be 150x150 with the item in the center
  • export or save as png with name that fits wiki conventions
  • repeat for 32x32 image
  • If doing one image with many blocks. select the portion of the image with a block, cut, paste as new layer, and rename the layer.
  • crop, align, and scale all layers (no interpolation).
  • Export Layers (https://github.com/khalim19/gimp-plugin-export-layers)