
From TerraFirmaCraft Plus Wiki
Revision as of 00:05, 16 December 2019 by Mount2010 (Talk | contribs) (Manual Installation)

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This article needs to be updated to match TFC+'s newest version.
It might not contain completely accurate information for the newest version. Please help by contributing.

System Compatibility

TFC+ should work on any system which is capable of running Minecraft 1.7.10 and Minecraft Forge. TFC+ places a much higher load on your computer's processor than vanilla Minecraft and uses more memory as well, so performance may suffer on low-end systems.


I've played Terrafirmacraft before and I tried installing Terrafirmacraft+. The game crashes with the following error: Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: The following block entry in TFCOre.cfg is invalid: terrafirmacraft:Ore1

Delete your TFC configs (TFCConfig.cfg, TFCOres.cfg, TFCCrafting.cfg). It conflicts with Terrafirmacraft+. Deleting the file will allow TFC+ to regenerate the config file.

The game crashes with a renderer error when I try to join a world.

Your render distance might be too long for 1.7.10. Set it lower (16 or less).

Twitch Installation

Follow the instructions here to create a modded Minecraft profile. When creating the profile, select Minecraft version 1.7.10. The default version of Forge is fine. When you get to the point of adding a mod, search "terrafirmacraft" and select TFC+ from the list.

Twitch App Listing.png

Increasing Memory Allocation

To increase the memory allocated to the profile, click the gear icon on the top right side of the profile page. Select "Profile Options". In the window that opens, unselect "Use System Memory Settings". Then move the slider to the desired amount of memory and click "Okay".

Running TFC+ without opening the Twitch App

Once you have Launched TFC+ through the Twitch App, you can launch it again without using Twitch -as long as you haven't run any other instances of Minecraft in between. To create a desktop shortcut, naviagate to the default location where Twitch installs minecraft


and right-click on Minecraft.exe and select "Send to Desktop (Create Shortcut)"

Clicking the shortcut on the desktop will open the Minecraft Launcher set up for the profile last used by the Twitch App.

Default Path

If you want to manually add other mods or find your screenshots, the default path is:

Manual Installation

Start with a vanilla install of Minecraft 1.7.10 using the official minecraft install launcher located at

If your Minecraft Launcher is running 1.8+:

  • Select Installations
  • Click New Installation
  • Select Minecraft 1.7.10

Run once to create necessary files.

Download and Install Minecraft Forge

Download: forge-1.7.10-

Once downloaded, double click and run the .jar file. A screen will pop up. The install path should be the default install path that minecraft installed into. If so just click OK to install forge.


When finished you should see a screen pop up:


Run minecraft again. At the profile selection dropdown, select Forge, fill in any login information necessary, and finally press Play.

When you get to the main menu, exit out of Minecraft.

Download and Install TerraFirmaCraft

Version: 0.89.1

Download TFC+ from the link above and copy the .jar file into the Mods folder in the minecraft/forge install.

System Default Location of 'mods' Folder
Linux ~/.minecraft/mods
OS X /Users/yourUserName/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods
See additional instructions for OS X users below.
Windows \Users\yourUserName\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\Mods
You can get to this location quickly by typing in %appdata% into the location bar and navigate to .minecraft\mods\

Note: Do NOT unzip the file!

If you are on OS X then there are some extra steps you will have to take:

  • By default your Library folder is hidden and will not appear in the Finder. To make it visible, bring up a Terminal window and execute the following command:

    chflags nohidden ~/Library/

  • Depending upon your browser settings, when you download the TerraFirmaCraft zip file OS X may automatically unzip it and place it into a folder named 'TFC-0'. The download settings can be changed in your browser such that it doesn't unzip upon download. Find where your browser keeps its helper application settings and change the action of the zip file type to "always ask" or "save as."

TerraFirmaCraft should now be installed. Run minecraft again making sure your Profile is still set to Forge.
Once in game click the mods button and you should see something similar the following:


Server Installation


Forge Installer

Note: This also will install the minecraft_server.jar

Download: forge-1.7.10-

Note: It is always best to use the Forge version listed on the TFC download page.


Version: 0.89.1
Download: [1]

Create Installation Folder

Make a folder on your client computer where you want to start your installation. Example C:\TFC_Server.

Run the forge installer, choose Install server and type in your directory "C:\TFC_Server"

Create Mods Folder

Make a new folder mods in C:\TFC_Server -> C:\TFC_Server\mods

TerraFirmaCraft Install

Copy TFC-0.89.1.jar to C:\TFC_Server\mods

Note: Do NOT unzip the file!

Create Run File

Windows & Linux

Create a run.bat ( if you are on linux) file.

java -Xmn1G -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar forge-1.7.10-

Note: You can also use the full path instead of only java.

OS X (Mac)

Create a run.command file.

cd "$(dirname "$0")"
exec java -Xmn1G -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar forge-1.7.10-

chmod a+x the file before running it.

Copy to Host

If you are using a third party hosting service instead of running directly off of your client, copy your entire C:\TFC_Server folder over to the server. It should contain the 2 jar files, a library folder and a mods folder. You can use SFTP or FTP to do this. A simple way to do this is through the Filezilla FTP client.

Starting up the Server

If your host provides SSH access, SSH in using PUTTY (Windows) or the ssh command (Linux).

Start run.bat or (on Linux you will have to do
chmod +x

Server Install Information Gathered from Emris Morath