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This page contains content on features that will be included in a future update.
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Beekeping is an upcoming feature in TFC+. The player will be able to find beehives in the wild and keep bees in artificial hives. They will also be able to collect honeycombs from beehives, from which honey and wax can be extracted.


Bees will be found in wild hives. Disturbing these hives will anger the bees, which will sting the player and not allow them to take anything from the hive. To calm the bees, the player will have to create a smoker, the details of which are not clear yet. In the wild hive, the player will always find at least one fertile comb. If taken, the hive will collapse and leave some empty combs, which can be made into wax. Putting the fertile comb in an artificial hive will make the bees produce combs faster. Bees will also produce combs and honey more quickly if there are flowers or blooming fruit tree leaf blocks in the surrounding area, and the tree itself will produce more fruit. The hive will check an area with a radius of 8 blocks centered on the hive, and will also check 3 blocks upwards and downwards. It has also been stated that bees will go dormant whenever the temperature drops under 10 degrees.


Honey can be extracted from a full honeycomb by crafting it with a knife and a bowl. It has been stated that bowls of honey will stack and will contain 250 mb of honey. Honey will also be able to be stored in barrels and large vessels. Honey will be able to be used as food, to make alcohol, and possibly as a dressing for meals. Fermenting honey will create mead, and distilling mead will create honey brandy.


Wax can be obtained from empty honeycombs. It has been stated that one use for wax will be to make candles, but other uses are yet unconfirmed.