
From TerraFirmaCraft Plus Wiki
Revision as of 04:45, 22 October 2014 by Kittychanley (Talk | contribs) (Updated to 79.9 - Note that .8 is the current released version.)

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TerraFirmaCraft places four configuration files in the Minecraft config folder: TFCCrafting.cfg, TFCOptions.cfg, TFCOre.cfg and TFC.cfg. The config folder is located next to the mods folder (where TFC is installed), and .cfg files can be edited with any text editor such as Notepad, WordPad, or Notepad++. To make changes to a config file, first make sure the game has been completely closed. Then make the desired changes to the .cfg file, making sure to save those changes before closing out of the editor. The next time the game is launched, the changes will be applied.

Note: For the majority of config options, it is perfectly safe to make changes to use on an existing save. Servers will also temporarily overwrite client configs while the player is connected, so users do not need to make any changes to their files in order to experience the changes applied on a server.


This file contains various settings which can be used to configure crafting recipes. Note: Many of the TFC items can be used as a replacement for vanilla items in crafting recipes due to the addition of ore dictionary support. Examples of items include: cobblestone, raw stone, plank blocks, gold and iron ingots, diamonds, etc.

Option Default
Conversion Conversions for food are irreversible.
appleConversion false
Allows conversion of red apples to vanilla. Cannot be reversed.
arrowConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC arrows to vanilla and vice versa.
bowConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC bows to vanilla and vice versa.
coalConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC coal to vanilla and vice versa.
diamondConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC diamonds to vanilla and vice versa. A "Normal" diamond is equal to one vanilla diamond. "Flawless" is two and "Exquisite" three. "Chipped" and "Flawed" diamonds cannot be converted.
emeraldConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC emeralds to vanilla and vice versa. A "Normal" emerald is equal to one vanilla emerald. "Flawless" is two and "Exquisite" three. "Chipped" and "Flawed" emeralds cannot be converted.
fishConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC fish to vanilla. Cannot be reversed.
fishingRodConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC fishing rod to vanilla and vice versa.
flintSteelConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC flint & steel to vanilla and vice versa.
leatherArmorConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC leather armor to vanilla and vice versa.
leatherConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC leather to vanilla and vice versa.
stoneAxeConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC stone axes to vanilla and vice versa.
stoneHoeConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC stone hoes to vanilla and vice versa.
stoneShovelConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC stone shovels to vanilla and vice versa.
woodButtonConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC wooden buttons to vanilla and vice versa.
workbenchConversion false
Allows conversion of TFC workbenches to vanilla and vice versa.
Enable Vanilla Recipes
anvilRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla anvils.
arrowsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla arrows.
bedRecipe false
Allows crafting of beds using plank blocks.
bonemealRecipe false
Allows crafting of bonemeal through the crafting grid.
bowlRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla wooden bowls.
brewingRecipe false
Allows crafting of brewing stands.
bucketRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla iron buckets.
cauldronRecipe true
Allows crafting of vanilla cauldrons.
chestRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla chests.
clockRecipe true
Allows crafting of clocks.
compassRecipe true
Allows crafting of compasses.
dandelionYellowRecipe false
Allows crafting of dandelion yellow by putting a flower in the crafting grid.
diamondArmorRecipe false
Allows crafting of diamond armor.
diamondBlockRecipe false
Allows crafting of diamond blocks.
diamondToolsRecipe false
Allows crafting of diamond tools.
dispenserRecipe true
Allows crafting of dispensers.
dropperRecipe true
Allows crafting of droppers.
enchantTableRecipe false
Allows crafting of enchanting tables.
fenceGateRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla fence gates.
fenceRecipe true
Allows crafting of vanilla fences.
furnaceRecipe false
Allows crafting of furnaces.
goldAppleRecipe false
Allows crafting of golden apples.
goldArmorRecipe false
Allows crafting of gold armor.
goldBlockRecipe false
Allows crafting of gold blocks.
goldNuggetRecipe false
Allows crafting of gold nuggets.
goldPlateRecipe true
Allows crafting of gold weighted pressure plates.
goldToolsRecipe false
Allows crafting of gold tools.
hopperRecipe false
Allows crafting of hoppers.
ironArmorRecipe false
Allows crafting of iron armor.
ironBarsRecipe true
Allows crafting of iron bars.
ironBlockRecipe false
Allows crafting of iron blocks.
ironDoorRecipe true
Allows crafting of iron doors.
ironPlateRecipe true
Allows crafting of iron weighted pressure plates.
ironToolsRecipe false
Allows crafting of iron tools.
jukeboxRecipe false
Allows crafting of jukeboxes.
leatherArmorRecipe false
Allows crafting of leather armor.
leverRecipe false
Allows crafting of levers using a stick and cobblestone block.
minecartChestRecipe false
Allows crafting of minecart chests.
minecartRecipe false
Allows crafting of minecarts using iron ingots.
pistonRecipe true
Allows crafting of pistons.
plankBlockRecipe false
Allows crafting of plank blocks from logs.
poweredRailsRecipe false
Allows crafting of powered rails using the vanilla recipe.
railsRecipe false
Allows crafting of rails using the vanilla recipe.
repeaterRecipe true
Allows crafting of repeaters.
roseRedRecipe false
Allows crafting of rose red by putting a flower in the crafting grid.
signRecipe false
Allows crafting of signs using the vanilla recipe.
stickRecipe false
Allows crafting of sticks from plank blocks.
stoneSlabsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla stone slabs.
stoneStairsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla stone stairs.
stoneToolsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla stone tools.
torchRecipe false
Allows crafting of torches using a stick and coal.
trapDoorRecipe false
Allows crafting of trap doors using the vanilla recipe.
tripwireRecipe true
Allows crafting of trip wire hooks.
woodDoorRecipe true
Allows crafting of vanilla wood doors.
woodSlabsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla wood slabs.
woodStairsRecipe false
Allows crafting of vanilla wood stairs.
woodToolsRecipe false
Allows crafting of wood tools.
woolRecipe false
Allows crafting of wool from spider string.


This file contains various settings which can be used to configure game behavior.

Option Default
anvilrulecolor0 Border colour of the leftmost rule in the anvil GUI.
Blue 36
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 28
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 237
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
anvilrulecolor1 Border colour of the middle rule in the anvil GUI.
Blue 34
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 101
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 242
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
anvilrulecolor2 Border colour of the rightmost rule in the anvil GUI.
Blue 49
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 148
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 247
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
cavein options Options which affect cave-ins.
enableCaveIns true
Set this to false to disable cave ins.
initialCollapseRatio 10
Chance that when you mine a block it will start a collapse. For example, if the number is 40 then there is a 1 in 40 chance of a collapse occurring.
minimumRockLoad 1
The minimum number of solid blocks that must be over a open section in order for it to collapse. You can think of this as the weight of stone required over an open block before a collapse becomes possible.
propogateCollapseChance 55
When a collapse occurs, each block within a random range of the initial one will be given this percentage chance of collapsing as well.
colornutrienta Color used by hoes when displaying the levels for nutrient A.
Alpha 200
Opacity, where 0 is completely transparent and 255 is completely opaque.
Blue 36
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 28
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 237
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
colornutrientb Color used by hoes when displaying the levels for nutrient B.
Alpha 200
Opacity, where 0 is completely transparent and 255 is completely opaque.
Blue 34
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 101
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 242
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
colornutrientc Color used by hoes when displaying the levels for nutrient C.
Alpha 200
Opacity, where 0 is completely transparent and 255 is completely opaque.
Blue 49
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 148
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 247
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
cropfertilizercolor Color used by hoes when displaying the levels for fertilizer.
Alpha 200
Opacity, where 0 is completely transparent and 255 is completely opaque.
Blue 0
Blue component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Green 255
Green component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
Red 255
Red component of color. Ranges from 0 to 255.
crops Options which affect crop growth.
cropGrowthModifier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for the rate at which crops will grow. Increase to make crops grow faster.
enableCropsDie false
Should ripe crops eventually die if they aren't harvested?
food decay Options which affect food decay.
FoodDecayMultiplier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for food decay. Unlike FoodDecayRate which only modifies the base decay and not the environmental effect upon decay, this multiplier will multiply against the entire amount. Set to 0 to turn decay off.
FoodDecayRate 1.0170378966055869
This number causes base decay to equal 50% gain per day. If you wish to change, I recommend you look up a y-root calculator 1.0170378966055869517978300569768 ^ 24 = 1.5
decayProtectionDays 24
If a food item has not been ticked for greater than or equal to this number of days than when it is ticked for the first time, only a small amount of decay will occur.
useDecayProtection true
Set this to false if you want food to auto decay when a chunk is loaded instead of limiting decay when a chunk has been unloaded for a long period.
general Miscellaneous options.
enableBetterGrass true
If true, then if the side of a grass block has another grass block adjacent and one block lower than it, that side will show as completely grass rather than grass at the top and dirt at the bottom. This provides a nice, smooth visual flow between grass blocks on gentle slopes.
enableDebugMode false
When true various additional information is displayed in TFCraft GUIs and on the console. This information is generally only of interest to TFCraft developers, when trying to track down bugs.
enableNotOnions false
If true converts all instances of onions to rutabagas.
enableOreTest false
If true, will generate only ore in your world with nothing else. *Caution Unsupported*
generateSmoke false
If true, forges will generate smoke blocks. *Caution Unsupported*
quiverHUDPosition bottomleft
Determines the position of the quiver HUD. Valid position strings are: bottomleft, left, topleft, bottomright, right, topright
use2DGrill true
If false, grills will render using a 3D model.
materials Options affecting materials
normalOreUnits 25
The metal units provided by a single piece of normal ore.
poorOreUnits 15
The metal units provided by a single piece of poor ore.
richOreUnits 35
The metal units provided by a single piece of rich ore.
smallOreUnits 10
The metal units provided by a single piece of small ore.
player Options affecting Steve.
HealthGainCap 3000
Maximum health possible in the game. Players start with a cap of 1000 points of health, meaning that they have that many points when fully healed. The cap can increase as they rise in levels, but cannot go beyond the value set for this option.
HealthGainRate 20
Number of additional health points players gain with each level of experience. Set to 0 to turn off
protection Options affecting spawn protection.
maxProtectionMonths 10
The maximum number of months of spawn protection that can accumulate.
protectionBuffer 24
The minimum number of hours of protection that must be accumulated in a chunk in order to bypass the buffer and prevent hostile mob spawning.
protectionGain 8
The number of hours of spawn protection added to a 5x5 chunk for each hour that a player spends in it.
server Options affecting servers.
simSpeedNoPlayers 100
For every X number of ticks provided here, when there are no players online the server will only progress by 1 tick. (Default: 100) Time advances 100 times slower than normal. Setting this to less than 1 will turn this feature off.
time Options related to time.
bloomeryBurnTime 14.4
This is the number of hours that the bloomery should burn before being completed.
charcoalPitBurnTime 18.0
This is the number of hours that the charcoal pit should burn before being completed.
pitKilnBurnTime 8.0
This is the number of hours that the pit kiln should burn before being completed.
saplingTimerMultiplier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for the number of days required before a sapling can grow into a tree. Decrease for faster sapling growth.
tempDecreaseMultiplier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for the rate at which items cool down. Increase to make items cool down faster.
tempIncreaseMultiplier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for the rate at which items heat up. Increase to make items heat up faster.
torchBurnTime 48
This is how many in-game hours torches will last before burning out. Set to 0 for infinitely burning torches.
yearLength 96
The number of days in a year. Must be a multiple of 12.


This file is used to determine the world generation of ores. Other mod ores can be added to this file to have them generate with TFC's terrain.

Option Default
Horizontal Density 60
How dense the ore vein is horizontally, out of 100.
Maximum Height 128
The maximum y-level the vein can spawn at.
Minimum Height 5
The minimum y-level the vein can spawn at.
Vertical Density 80
How dense the ore vein is vertically, out of 100.
baseRocks igneous extrusive
The stone type the ore can spawn in. Can be a category or a specific rock. Entries should be all lowercase, with each new entry on a new line.
oreID 2096
The Block ID of the ore.
oreMeta 7
The metadata (damage value) of the ore.
rarity 100
Veins will spawn in 1 out of X chunks.
size medium
The size of the vein. Choices are large, medium or small.
type veins
The shape of the ore spawn. A type of default will spawn the ore in clusters.


This file is used internally by TFCraft to keep track of its block and item ids. The contents of this file should not be changed unless it is desired to mess up existing worlds when the game launches.

Note: This file should always be deleted when updating.

