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This article needs to be updated to match TFC+'s newest version.
It might not contain completely accurate information for the newest version. Please help by contributing.
Information: 0.85.0 Adds Warthog and Peccary. This page's contend should prob be moved to Pig.
Wild Boar Male.png
Wild Boar Female.png
Wild Boar Baby.png
Health Points



Plains, but not too cold
Temperate Forest
Boreal Forest

Can Despawn



Sprite Raw Hide.png Raw Hide (1) upon death
Sprite Bone.png Bones (2-6) upon death
Sprite Raw Porkchop.png Raw Porkchop (7-23) upon death
Sprite Cooked Porkchop.png Cooked Porkchop (7-23) upon death by fire




Wild boars are wild animals that spawn in TFC+. Boars are a little shorter than a block in height, and are covered by a coat of brown fur. They have a triangular head, with upright ears and a snout. Males also have a a mane running from their back all the way to the top of their head and a pair of visible tusks, while females lack these characteristics. Baby boars have a lighter brown coat, with two darker stripes running down their back. Male baby boars also lack the mane and tusks of adult male boars.


Wild Boars spawn in plains, forests, jungles and swamps. They, like other animals, will roam around the loacation they've spawned in, avoiding falls, lava and navigating around obstacles. At night, boars will lie down to sleep and will try to find some shelter when it rains.

When hungry wild boars will dig through the fallen leaves or try to eat nearby crops.

Boars, like most other wild animals, are neutral mobs, which means that they will retaliate if attacked. Uniquely among the other animals boars attack to kill, and will not stop attacking the offending player until either the player or the boar are dead. When attacking, they move faster than the player's sprint and inflict upwards of 200 damage.


Pigs are mainly butchered for porkchops, but also drop bones and small or medium hides. The amount of meat produced by a single pig and the large amount of offspring make pigs excellent farm animals.


Main article: Animal Husbandry

Wild Boars require a familiarity rating of 15 before they can be bred. To raise the familiarity rating of a boar, the player has to feed it. Boars (and pigs) accept potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, and cut brown mushrooms. Adult wild boars' familiarity cannot be raised beyond 30, while a baby boar's familiarity can be raised up to 100.

In order to breed two boars, the player has to feed both a female and a male boar, which triggers the female's pregnancy. A boar's pregnancy lasts 3.7 months, after which a large litter of baby boars will be born. They take 15 months to fully grow into adulthood. Due to the mass quantities of offspring, breeding multiple females in an enclosed area often results in what is referred to as a "pigsplosion."


Differently from boars, pigs are pink in colour and will not attack the player in retaliation. They accept any food, and the lenght of their pregnancy and growth period are the same as boars. They also do not have a familiarity requirement for breeding. One thing to note however is that pigs and boars cannot breed together.

Pigs are born from a female boar that has reached 100 familiarity. The familiarity rating of the father does not matter for this result. Since adult wild boars' familiarity cannot be raised beyond 30, the player has to fully familiarize a baby female boar and keep the familiarity rating at 100 until adulthood, then breed it to get pigs.