Smoke Rack

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The Smoke Rack (or Drying Rack) is a multiblock structure that allows for the drying or smoking of foods.


A smoke rack

To construct a Drying Rack, place two 2-high columns of solid blocks 1-5 blocks apart. Then, Rmb.png Right Click on one of the solid blocks while holding 1-5 String -one string for each block between the columns. Sinew does not work.

To use the Drying Rack as a Smoke Rack, simply build a Firepit on the ground below the line. The Firepit will smoke up to 3 blocks of line: food hanged directly above it and food hanged one block to either side. 2 Firepits are needed cover a line that is 4 or 5 blocks long.


Two 160oz stacks of food can be hanged on each block of line. Every stack of food uses one String (not Sinew) to attach the food to the line. This String is not returned when the food is removed.


Meat will begin to dry once attached to the rack. Drying happens whether the rack has an active Firepit or not.


If there is an active Firepit, dried meat on the rack will begin to be smoked. The firepit needs to be kept active for the whole smoking process.