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(Created page with "''For example: Adding vinegar to 1,000 mB of milk will result in 1,111 mB of curdled milk. Adding vinegar to 5,000 mB of milk will result in 5,555 mB of curdled milk. The exce...")
Line 321: Line 321:
''For example: Adding vinegar to 1,000 mB of milk will result in 1,111 mB of curdled milk. Adding vinegar to 5,000 mB of milk will result in 5,555 mB of curdled milk. The exception to this calculation is adding vinegar to 9,000 mB of milk, which will result in a full barrel, instead of 9,999 mB.''
''For example: Adding vinegar to 1,000 mB of milk will result in 1,111 mB of curdled milk. Adding vinegar to 5,000 mB of milk will result in 5,555 mB of curdled milk. The exception to this calculation is adding vinegar to 9,000 mB of milk, which will result in a full barrel, instead of 9,999 mB.''
''Por ejemplo: Agregando vinagre a 1,000 ml de leche resultará en 1,111 ml de leche cuajada. Agregar vinagre a 5,000 ml resultará en 5,555ml de leche cuajada. La excepción a esta regla es añadir vinagre a 9,000 ml de leche, que resultará en un barril completo, en vez de 9,999 ml.''
After the milk has curdled, remove the empty bucket and seal the barrel for an additional 8 hours. The weight of the resulting cheese is dependent on the amount of curdled milk in the barrel, calculated with the formula (Volume mB) * 1 oz / 62.5 mB = Weight oz.
After the milk has curdled, remove the empty bucket and seal the barrel for an additional 8 hours. The weight of the resulting cheese is dependent on the amount of curdled milk in the barrel, calculated with the formula (Volume mB) * 1 oz / 62.5 mB = Weight oz.

Revision as of 17:35, 11 December 2020

This article needs to be updated to match TFC+'s newest version.
It might not contain completely accurate information for the newest version. Please help by contributing.
Information: Limewater & lime & new barrel woods
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Barrel (Acacia).png
Barrel (Acacia)Barrel (Ash)Barrel (Aspen)Barrel (Birch)Barrel (Chestnut)Barrel (Douglas Fir)Barrel (Hickory)Barrel (Kapok)Barrel (Maple)Barrel (Oak)Barrel (Pine)Barrel (Sequoia)Barrel (Spruce)Barrel (Sycamore)Barrel (White Cedar)Barrel (White Elm)Barrel (Willow)



Grid Steel Axe.pngGrid Steel Saw.png


Empty: Yes, 4
Sealed: No










Los barriles se craftean con siete tablones del mismo tipo de madera. Los barriles se pueden craftear con cualquier tipo de madera; es un cambio puramente estético.

Lumber (Acacia) Lumber (Acacia) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Barrel (Acacia)
Lumber (Acacia) Lumber (Acacia)
Lumber (Acacia) Lumber (Acacia) Lumber (Acacia)


Los barriles se llenan poniendo un balde completo dentro del mismo, utilizando Rmb.png Right Click con el barril teniendo un balde, otro barril, o una vasija con algun fluido. También se pueden llenar utilizando Rmb.png Right Click en una fuente de líquido.

Una vez cerrado, un barril puede ser movido y llevado de lado a lado en el inventario. Cerrando el barril permite guardar el contenido. Si se rompe sin cerrar, el inventario se cae al piso y el líquido se pierde. Para no sobrecargar al jugador, el barril cerrado solo puede ser trasladado en the player's back slot. Si el jugador tiene un barril cerrado, este vacío o no, veerá un mensaje diciendo "Overburdened" y no se podrá mover.

Nota: Los valores a continuación son los minimos sugeridos. Cualquier múltiplo de los mismos (siempre que entren en el barril) servirán. El líquido es el factor limitante para la mayoria de los crafteos, permitiendo que se procese el crafteo si el barril tiene mucho del líquido pero no si tiene mucho del ítem.


Almacenamiento Líquido

  1. Pestañas - Cambia entre el almacenamiento líquido y sólido.
  2. Tipo - Muestra que líquido esta almacenado.
  3. Fecha - Muestra la fecha y hora en el que el barril fue cerrado.
  4. Medidor - Muestra cuánto líquido contiene el barril. Máximo 10 baldes.
  5. In/Out - Determina si el barril vacía los contenedores de líquidos o los llena.
  6. Ingrediente - Lugar donde se introduce el ingrediente a procesar.
  7. Sellar - Botón para cerrar el barril, permitiendo el traslado o comienzo del procesamiento.
  8. Vaciar - Elimina todo el líquido almacenado.
  9. Producto - Muestra el producto que se obtendrá cuando finalice. Nota: Si no indica el producto resultante en el momento del cierre, debe revisar la receta. El barril no tendrá producto sin importar cuanto tiempo este cerrado.

Almacenamiento Sólido

  1. Pestañas - Cambia entre el almacenamiento líquido y sólido.
  2. Sellar - Botón para cerrar el barril, permitiendo su traslado.
  3. Inventario - Los barriles pueden almacenar hasta 12 stacks de ítems (tamaño Large o menor)

Agua Fresca

Barriles de Agua Fresca son utilizados como el comienzo para producir taninos y alcoholes, almacenamiento de agua potable, para enfriar rápidamente ítems, para producir fibras de yute, para procesar caña de azúcar, y convertir cueros pelados en cueros preparados. Un barril sin sellar se puede colocar al intemperie para que se llene de Agua Fresca cuando llueve o nieva. Cada barril puede rellenar diez veces Jarras de Cerámica; o procesar 50 de yute, 166.66 oz de caña de azúcar, 33 cueros pelados chicos, 25 medianos, o 20 grandes.

Yute Azúcar
Fresh WaterGauge.png 200 mB
Jute Grid layout Arrow (small).png Jute Fiber
8 hours

Fresh WaterGauge.png 3,000 mB
Sugarcane50 Grid layout Arrow (small).png Sugar5
8 hours

Cuero Pelado Chico Cuero Pelado Mediano Cuero Pelado Grande
Fresh WaterGauge.png 300 mB
Hide (Scraped) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Prepared)
8 hours

Fresh WaterGauge.png 400 mB
Hide (Scraped) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Prepared)
8 hours

Fresh WaterGauge.png 500 mB
Hide (Scraped) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Prepared)
8 hours


Main article: Alcohol

There are two main types of Alcohol in Terrafirmacraft+. Fermented Alcohol is made by fermenting various foods and liquids, using Yeast, in a barrel. Distilled Alcohol is made by distilling Fermented Alcohol in a Still. Alcohol gives Experience when drunk, but also intoxicates the player, causing the player to get Drunk. While Drunk, the player may experience visual effects and an inability to walk in a straight line. Drinking too much may cause death. Distilled Alcohol gives more experience, but also intoxicates the player more.

El alcohol fermentado puede además ser utilizado para producir vinagre como conservante de los alimentos.


Vinegar is created by leaving a barrel of Alcohol unsealed and exposed to the sky for a day. No inputs are needed.

El vinagre se obtiene dejando un barril de alcohol al intemperie por un día. No es necesario introducir ingredientes al barril.

AlcoholGauge.png 1,000 mB VinegarGauge.png
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
8 hours

Brine - Salmuera

La salmuera se crea al agregar un litro de vinagre (un balde) a un barril con al menos un litro de agua salada. La formación es instantánea y no requiere cerrar el balde, por lo que debe haber al menos un litro de espacio para introducir el vinagre.

Salt WaterGauge.png 1,000 mB BrineGauge.png
Wooden Bucket (Vinegar) Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Instantáneo (No Cerrar)


La salmuera puede ser utilizada con cualquier tipo de alimento salvo los de la categoría de los granos. Para conservar una porción de comida, primero hay que asegurarse que hay suficiente salmuera para el peso de la porción. En el caso que no alcance, puede agregar mas salmuera al barril o recortar la porción a pedazos mas chicos. La salmuera no conserva el alimento de por si, hay que escabecharlo. Submergirlo en salmuera es un paso previo a la escabechada.

File:SalmueraGauge.png 600 mB
File:Grid Bife Crudo.png10 Grid layout Arrow (small).png File:Grid Bife Crudo.png10
4 horas


El vinagre se puede utilizar para escabechar cualquier porción de comida mojada en salmuera. Para escabechar la porción, primero hay que asegurarse que hay suficiente vinagre en el barril para la porción. En el caso de que falte, podrá agregar mas vinagre o recortar la porción de comida. Cierre el balde para comenzar la conservación. Aunque requiera 1,000 ml de vinagre cada 16 oz de comida en salmuera para comenzar el proceso, solo se consumira 1 ml de vinagre por cada onza de alimento encerrado en el barril.

Una vez que el alimento fue escabechado, puede ser almacenado en un barril de vinagre indefinidamente para reducir drásticamente la velocidad de putrefacción. La conservación requiere un minimo de 1,000 ml de vinagre por cada 32 oz de alimento escabechado.

Escabechado Conservación
File:VinagreGauge.png 1,000 mB
Cabbage (Harvest)16 Grid layout Arrow (small).png Cabbage (Harvest)16
4 horas

VinegarGauge.png 1,000 mB
Cabbage (Harvest)32 Grid layout Arrow (small).png Cabbage (Harvest)32

Limewater - Agua de Cal

El agua de cal se produce poniendo Cal en un barril con agua fresca, utilizando una ración de 2 cal por cada balde (1,000 ml). El agua de cal se crea instantáneamente y consumirá cal mientras que la ración sea válida. Barriles con agua de cal se utilizan para crear Cemento y convertir cuero crudo en cuero remojado. Un barril completo de agua de cal puede procesar 1,600 unidades de cemento, 33 cueros crudos chicos, 25 cueros crudos medianos, o 20 cueros crudos grandes.

Fresh WaterGauge.png 1,000 mB LimewaterGauge.png
Lime2 Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Instantáneo (No Cerrar)

Cuero Chico Crudo
LimewaterGauge.png 300 mB
Hide (Raw) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Soaked)
8 horas

Cuero Mediano Crudo
LimewaterGauge.png 400 mB
Hide (Raw) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Soaked)
8 horas

Cuero Grande Crudo
LimewaterGauge.png 500 mB
Hide (Raw) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Hide (Soaked)
8 horas


El tanino se obtiene colocando un solo tronco de Acacia, Abedul, Castaña, Abeto de Douglas, Acacia de la Fiebre, Carya, Árbol de Limba, Coaba, Maple, Roble, o Secuoya en un barril con agua fresca y cerrarlo por 8 horas. Un solo tronco es suficiente para convertir a tanino cualquier barril con al menos un balde (1,000 ml) de agua fresca. Agregar más troncos hará que no se procese o se consuman los troncos en exceso. El tanino se utiliza para oscurecer cuero preparado a cuero curtido. Un barril completo de tanino puede procesar 33 cueros crudos chicos, 25 cueros preparado medianos, o 20 preparado preparado grandes, poroduciendo 33 de cuero curtido para el chico, 50 para el mediano, y 60 ítems para el grande.

Acacia, Fever, Mahogany, and Limba

Fresh WaterGauge.png 1,000 ml to 10,000 ml File:TaninoGauge.png
Log (Acacia) Grid layout Arrow (small).png
8 horas

Cuero Preparado Chico Cuero Preparado Mediano Cuero Preparado Grande
TanninGauge.png 300 ml
Hide (Prepared) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Leather (TFC)
8 horas

TanninGauge.png 400 ml
Hide (Prepared) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Leather (TFC)2
8 horas

TanninGauge.png 500 ml
Hide (Prepared) Grid layout Arrow (small).png Leather (TFC)3
8 horas


La leche cuajada se obtiene añadiendo un balde de vinagre a un barril con al menos 1,000 ml de leche y sellandolo por 8 horas. Esto resultara en la cantidad de leche cuajada igual al volumen original + 111 * (volumen original / 1000).

For example: Adding vinegar to 1,000 mB of milk will result in 1,111 mB of curdled milk. Adding vinegar to 5,000 mB of milk will result in 5,555 mB of curdled milk. The exception to this calculation is adding vinegar to 9,000 mB of milk, which will result in a full barrel, instead of 9,999 mB.

Por ejemplo: Agregando vinagre a 1,000 ml de leche resultará en 1,111 ml de leche cuajada. Agregar vinagre a 5,000 ml resultará en 5,555ml de leche cuajada. La excepción a esta regla es añadir vinagre a 9,000 ml de leche, que resultará en un barril completo, en vez de 9,999 ml.

After the milk has curdled, remove the empty bucket and seal the barrel for an additional 8 hours. The weight of the resulting cheese is dependent on the amount of curdled milk in the barrel, calculated with the formula (Volume mB) * 1 oz / 62.5 mB = Weight oz.

For example: Using the three above examples of curdled milk, would result in 17.77 oz, 88.88 oz, and 160 oz of cheese respectively.

When turning curdled milk into cheese any edible food (except more cheese) can be added to infuse the cheese with extra flavor, while keeping the dairy nutrition group. A maximum of 20 oz of food can be added to the curdled milk. The resulting cheese will have a flavor profile that is averaged between the cheese and the infusion, depending on the amount of infused food. Cheese that has been infused with the full 20 oz will have the exact same flavor profile as the infusion, and will have none of the cheese flavor profile.

For example: Adding 10 oz of Garlic into 10,000 mB of Curdled Milk will result in 160 oz of Garlic Cheese with a flavor profile that is a 50/50 balance between garlic and cheese.

Curdled Milk Cheese Infused Cheese
MilkGauge.png 9,000 mB Curdled MilkGauge.png
Wooden Bucket (Vinegar) Grid layout Arrow (small).png
8 hours

Curdled MilkGauge.png 1,000 mB
Grid layout Arrow (small).png Cheese16
8 hours

Curdled MilkGauge.png 1,000 mB
Blueberries20 Grid layout Arrow (small).png Cheese16
8 hours

Powder Keg

Powder kegs are created by placing gunpowder in the solid storage of a barrel, sealing the barrel, and then lighting it with a redstone signal or by being exposed to Fire. A powder keg that has been lit can be disabled by using Rmb.png Right Click with an empty hand before the barrel explodes.

Note: A straight line of Log Piles -each with 1 Log- can be lit by a Firepit and used as a fuse to activate a Powder Keg from a distance without using Redstone. This is an unintended side effect of the use the mechanic used to light Kilns.

A minimum of 12 gunpowder is required for a small explosion, but more gunpowder can be added to increase the blast strength. A barrel with 36 gunpowder will create the same size explosion as an uncharged creeper. A barrel with 192 gunpowder (three stacks) will create a crater about 16 blocks wide. A barrel completely full of gunpowder (12 stacks) will create a crater about 40 blocks wide. Sizes will vary depending on the blocks' blast resistance and the location of the explosion.

Unlike all other blocks which have a chance of being completely destroyed and dropping nothing, ores and minerals that are destroyed by an explosion have a 100% drop rate. This means that powder kegs can be used to quickly mine out large areas of ore. Note: Only the blocks that are destroyed by the explosion itself will have the 100% drop rate. Any ore blocks that are destroyed by the falling blocks that were created from the explosion will drop nothing by default. Consecutive explosions from multiple powder kegs still destroy items that have already been dropped and are not picked up, including pieces of ore.

Raw stone that is destroyed by an explosion has a 30% chance of being converted to a cobblestone block, instead of disappearing and maybe dropping some rocks or a gem.

Olive Oil

Barrels can be used to catch the olive oil that is produced by pressing olives in a hopper. The olive oil in the barrel can then be used to fill and fuel oil lamps.

Resin Collection

An unsealed Barrel placed below a Knife stuck into a Tree will collect the Resin in its inventory instead of letting it spawn on the ground.


Build 76Added barrels.
Build 76 Hotfix 8Added placing a hot ingot in a barrel full of water to cool it down.
77.0Added ability to shift click the contents of a bucket directly into a barrel.
Added the ability to blow up barrels of gunpowder.
77.12Added filling water bottles from barrels.
Added Vinegar and Cheese.
78.0Barrels retain inventory when broken.
Added a toggle button for filling and emptying barrels.
Added Jute.
78.4All alcohols except rum are disabled pending a barrel rewrite.
79.0Barrel processing completely rewritten.
Barrels contain two tabs, one for liquid storage and one for solid storage.
Barrels render their liquids inside, and containers can be filled and emptied into barrels by right clicking on the barrel with item in hand.
Unsealed barrels collect rainwater.
Barrels can be carried on the players back.
79.5Barrels can be filled from other barrels and large vessels. They can also be emptied into other barrels and large vessels via right clicking on the block.
Barrel solid storage can hold large items instead of medium.
79.10Rewrote powder kegs. Explosions hitting raw stone have a chance to create cobblestone instead of dropping loose rocks.
79.11Added "Preserving" message to pickled food that is being stored in Vinegar.
Fixed brining not consuming the correct amount of brine.
79.12Unfired large vessels can no longer pick up water.
79.18The amount of gunpowder inside of a powder keg determines the size of the explosion.
79.19Alcohol production only works with 4 to 12 oz of food per fresh water bucket, instead of having no upper bounds.
79.22If interacting with a barrel/large vessel does not result in a transfer of liquid, the GUI will open.
79.26Barrels and Large Vessels have grayed out slots when sealed to make it a bit more obvious that the slots cannot be interacted with until the container is unsealed.
82.0Vinegar recipe no longer requires fruit. Leave unsealed barrel of alcohol exposed to air for 24 hrs to make vinegar


  • Dunk originally wished for powder kegs to be lit with a gunpowder trail rather than a redstone signal. However, due to their common use in SMP traps, this feature would have been impractical.
