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Terrafirmacraft+有两种级别的酒。第一种是酿造酒, 是在液体容器(例如木桶)中发酵各种食物而生产的。第二种是蒸馏酒, 是在蒸馏器中蒸馏酿造酒而生产的。

所有酒都是液体,因此必须存放在液体容器中, 例如大缸。这也意味着你需要桶或大缸来生产酒。


尽管在Terrafirmacraft+中有多种方法生产酿造酒, 这些工艺需求的材料却基本相同,需要淡水,酵母以及一些可以发酵的食物


在Terrafirmacraft+中, 将没有处理过的水果或谷物麦芽放在厨台上,游戏内经过一天后,即可获得酵母。酵母在游戏中是以水果或谷物的标签形式存在的,并没有特定的物品形式。 当一个食物中含有酵母时,食物名字前会有一个“发酵的”前缀。这个属性并不会影响腐败速度和味道, 并且可以通过把食物放入火堆加热来去除这个属性。



  • 果酒:在各种水果果汁中加入酵母可以生产各种果酒。
  • 蜂蜜酒:在蜂蜜水中添加酵母可以生产蜂蜜酒。
  • 谷物和土豆酒:需要将谷物或土豆放在水里形成混合物,然后加入酵母
  • 啤酒:将各种类型的发酵麦芽放入水中可以生产各种啤酒

Terrafirmacraft+ 中所有酿造酒都需要72小时来完成酿造。酿酒容器的GUI会更新,显示目标产物和容器密封的日期。 以下部分将详细介绍Terrafirmacraft+中每种酒的酿造工艺。


果酒是使用食物栏目下的水果的果汁制成, 例如龙舌兰甘蔗。要开始酿造, 将酵母放入装有果汁的容器里, 然后密封。和其他酒一样,酿造持续72小时。

Grape JuiceGauge.png 1,000 mB WineGauge.png
Yeasty Fruit Grid layout Arrow (small).png
72 hours
Input Output
Grid Agave Juice.png Agave Juice Grid Agave Wine.png Agave Wine
Grid Apple Juice.png Apple Juice1 Grid Cider.png Cider
Grid Berry Juice.png Berry Juice Grid Berry Wine.png Berry Wine
Grid Cane Juice.png Cane Juice Grid Cane Wine.png Cane Wine
Grid Cherry Juice.png Cherry Juice Grid Cherry Wine.png Cherry Wine
Grid Date Juice.png Date Juice Grid Date Wine.png Date Wine
Grid Fig Juice.png Fig Juice Grid Fig Wine.png Fig Wine
Grid Grape Juice.png Grape Juice Grid Wine.png Wine
Grid Lemon Juice.png Lemon Juice Grid Lemon Wine.png Lemon Wine
Grid Orange Juice.png Orange Juice Grid Orange Wine.png Orange Wine
Grid Papaya Juice.png Papaya Juice Grid Papaya Wine.png Papaya Wine
Grid Peach Juice.png Peach Juice Grid Peach Wine.png Peach Wine
Grid Plum Juice.png Plum Juice Grid Plum Wine.png Plum Wine
  1. Both Green Apples and Red Apples will produce Apple Juice.


Mead is made from Honey. There are two steps of making Mead. First, Honeywater must be created by adding a bucket (1000 mB) of Honey to a liquid container of Fresh Water. Only this ratio can be used, and it can only be done through buckets. The volume of the Honey will be added to the volume of water, so there must be enough free space in the liquid container for the Honey to be added. This will immediately create the Honeywater. Next, add Yeast to the Honeywater to start the fermentation. As with other alcohols, fermentation takes 72 hours.

Honeywater Mead
Fresh WaterGauge.png N/A HoneywaterGauge.png
Wooden Bucket Honey Grid layout Arrow (small).png

HoneywaterGauge.png 1,000 mB MeadGauge.png
Yeasty Fruit Grid layout Arrow (small).png
72 hours

Input Output
Grid Honey Bowl.png Honey Grid Mead.png Mead

Grain Wine and Potato Wine

There are two steps in making Grain and Potato wines. The first step is to seal at least 145 oz. of Grain (except Oats) or cooked potato into a liquid container of Fresh Water. This will create a mixture of the food and water (e.g. Barley Water or Potato Water).

The second step is to add Yeast to the mixture of food and water, and then sealing the container in which it is contained. This will begin the fermentation and convert the mixture to Wine. As with other alcohols, fermentation takes 72 hours.

Food-Water Mixture Grain Wine, Potato Wine
Fresh WaterGauge.png 1,000 mB Grain WaterGauge.png
Barley (Grain)145 Grid layout Arrow (small).png
72 hours

Grain WaterGauge.png 1,000 mB Barley WineGauge.png
Yeasty Fruit Grid layout Arrow (small).png
72 hours

Input Output
Grid Barley (Grain).png Barley Grid Barley Wine.png Barley Wine
Grid Maize (Harvest).png Maize Grid Corn Wine.png Corn Wine
Grid Potato.png Potato (Cooked) Grid Potato Wine.png Potato Wine
Grid Rice (Grain).png Rice Grid Sake.png Sake
Grid Rye (Grain).png Rye Grid Rye Wine.png Rye Wine
Grid Wheat (Grain).png Wheat Grid Wheat Wine.png Wheat Wine


Beers can be created from any type of grain (except Oat). This grain must first be malted, then cooked, and allowed to become Yeasty. Next, they are added to a liquid container of Fresh Water in order to ferment them.


The first step in creating any type of beer is to malt the grain. First, fill a Large Ceramic Vessel with Fresh Water and mount it on a Firepit by ⇧ Shift + Rmb.png Right Clicking. Next, add grain to the item slot of the Large Ceramic Vessel, seal it, and light the firepit. The grains in the vessel will become malted in 4 in-game hours. Grain expands 20% in volume during malting. For example, a full 160 oz of grain will produce one stack of 160 oz of malted grain plus another 32 oz stack. The minimum amount of Malted Grain needed to create a barrel of Beer is 145 oz. Therefore, at least 121 oz of grain has to be malted in order to make a barrel of Beer.

Malted Grain cannot be used for Animal Husbandry.

Malted Grain
Fresh WaterGauge.png 200 mB
Barley (Grain)5 Grid layout Arrow (small).png Barley Malt6
Uses a Large Ceramic Vessel mounted on a firepit 4 hours

Roasting and Fermenting

The malted grain must then be roasted. Cook the Malted Grain in a Firepit or Grill. The degree of doneness (Very Light, Light, etc) does not matter.

Next, let the roasted malted grain become Yeasty by leaving it out on a Food Preparation surface for an in-game day.

Finally, add 145 oz of the yeasty roasted malted grain to a liquid container of Fresh Water, and seal it. If the ratio of grain to liquid is correct, fermentation will begin. As with other alcohols, the fermentation process will take 72 hours.

Fresh WaterGauge.png 1,000 mB BeerGauge.png
Barley Malt145 Grid layout Arrow (small).png
72 hours

Input Output
Grid Yeasty Cooked Barley Malt.png Barley Malt Grid Beer.png Beer
Grid Yeasty Cooked Corn Malt.png Corn Malt Grid Corn Beer.png Corn Beer
Grid Yeasty Cooked Rice Malt.png Rice Malt Grid Rice Beer.png Rice Beer
Grid Yeasty Cooked Rye Malt.png Rye Malt Grid Rye Beer.png Rye Beer
Grid Yeasty Cooked Wheat Malt.png Wheat Malt Grid Wheat Beer.png Wheat Beer

Distilled Alcohol

Distilled Alcohol is made from distilling Fermented Alcohol in a Still. Distilled Alcohol is a concentrated version of the corresponding Fermented Alcohol. Drinking Distilled Alcohol will grant more experience to the player, but will also intoxicate the player much more than Fermented Alcohol.


Main article: Containers#Large Ceramic Vessel
A Still created from two Large Ceramic Vessels, a Firepit, and a Ceramic Blowpipe

To create a Still, ⇧ Shift + Rmb.png Right Click a Large Ceramic Vessel on top of a Firepit and place a Ceramic Blowpipe into the vessel's item slot. This vessel will boil the input liquid. Next, place another empty Large Ceramic Vessel on the ground next to the Firepit. This vessel will catch the output liquid. If everything is set up correctly, the blowpipe should appear to connect the two vessels.

Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Grid Still.png N/A


To distill a Fermented Alcohol into a Distilled Alcohol, fill the vessel on the firepit with Fermented Alcohol, seal it, then light the Firepit. The Fermented Alcohol will be slowly converted into Distilled Alcohol and deposited in the second vessel. Every 200 mB of Fermented Alcohol will produce 75 mB of Distilled Alcohol. The process will stop if the heated vessel is unsealed, or if the Firepit runs out of fuel.

Distilled Alcohol
Wheat BeerGauge.png 200 mB WhiskeyGauge.png
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Grid Still.png 75 mB

Input Output
Grid Agave Wine.png Agave Wine Grid Tequila.png Tequila
Grid Beer.png Beer Grid Barley Whiskey.png Barley Whiskey
Grid Barley Wine.png Barley Wine Grid Vodka.png Vodka
Grid Berry Wine.png Berry Wine Grid Berry Brandy.png Berry Brandy
Grid Cane Wine.png Cane Wine Grid Rum.png Rum
Grid Cherry Wine.png Cherry Wine Grid Cherry Brandy.png Cherry Brandy
Grid Cider.png Cider Grid Applejack.png Applejack
Grid Corn Beer.png Corn Beer Grid Corn Whiskey.png Corn Whiskey
Grid Corn Wine.png Corn Wine Grid Vodka.png Vodka
Grid Date Wine.png Date Wine Grid Date Brandy.png Date Brandy
Grid Date Wine.png Fig Wine Grid Fig Brandy.png Fig Brandy
Grid Lemon Wine.png Lemon Wine Grid Lemon Brandy.png Lemon Brandy
Grid Mead.png Mead Grid Honey Brandy.png Honey Brandy
Grid Orange Wine.png Orange Wine Grid Orange Brandy.png Orange Brandy
Grid Papaya Wine.png Papaya Wine Grid Papaya Brandy.png Papaya Brandy
Grid Peach Wine.png Peach Wine Grid Peach Brandy.png Peach Brandy
Grid Plum Wine.png Plum Wine Grid Plum Brandy.png Plum Brandy
Grid Potato Wine.png Potato Wine Grid Vodka.png Vodka
Grid Rice Beer.png Rice Beer Grid Rice Whiskey.png Rice Whiskey
Grid Rye Beer.png Rye Beer Grid Rye Whiskey.png Rye Whiskey
Grid Rye Wine.png Rye Wine Grid Vodka.png Vodka
Grid Sake.png Sake Grid Shochu.png Shochu
Grid Wheat Beer.png Wheat Beer Grid Whiskey.png Whiskey
Grid Wheat Wine.png Wheat Wine Grid Vodka.png Vodka
Grid Wine.png Wine Grid Brandy.png Brandy


Alcohol has a variety of uses. Alcohol can be bottled in either a Ceramic Jug or a Glass Bottle. While held, alcohol of any type can be drunk by holding Rmb.png Right Click. Fermented Alcohols restore some Thirst, Hunger, and Nutrition. Both Fermented and Distilled Alcohol will provide Experience points when drunk. Fermented Alcohol will give 2 XP, while Distilled Alcohol will give 8 XP.

Barrels and Large Ceramic Vessels of Fermented Alcohol, if left unsealed and exposed to the sky, will turn into Vinegar.

AlcoholGauge.png 1,000 mB VinegarGauge.png
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
8 hours

Cloth bandages can be soaked in Distilled Alcohol to make Sterile Bandages, consuming 100 mb for every bandage sterilized.

WhiskeyGauge.png 100 mB
Bandages Grid layout Arrow (small).png Sterile Bandage


Phosphor effect from heavy drunkenness

The player can become drunk if they drink too much Alcohol. While Drunk, the player may obtain random negative or positive potion effects, such as Jump Boost or Speed. Negative effects include the player randomly becoming Wounded. There are three consecutive stages to drunkenness: Drunk, Very Drunk and Wasted. When the player is Drunk, they have a small chance of failing to interact with items such as chests and barrels. If the player continues drinking, they will become Very Drunk. The player's view will become blurry, and they will not be able to use an anvil, as well as having an increased chance of failing to use an item. Continuing to drink will lead to the player being Wasted. In the Wasted stage, the player's view will gain a phosphor effect, where lines appear to stretch. The player will wobble side to side while walking. Drinking past this point will eventually lead to the player dying of alcohol poisoning. Drunkenness will slowly wear off on its own.


0.80.12Added Berry Wine, which can made from most types of berries.
0.82.0Fruit no longer has to be added to alcohol to make Vinegar.
0.82.5Added distilled alcohol.
Vinegar can now only be made with Fermented Alcohols.
0.82.6Added Mead and Honey Brandy.
0.83.0Fermented Alcohol now needs yeast to be made.
Added new wines, made from fermenting juices.
0.83.1Fruits can now be used as yeast for alcohol production.
0.83.2Orange Brandy and Lemon Brandy are no longer tier-1 alcohols.
0.83.4Fixed an issue with alcohol production.
0.83.5Changed yeast significantly. Yeast is now made by leaving a grain malt or fruit out in a food preparation surface.


  • The phosphor and blur effect are built-in Minecraft shaders, typically accessible via the "Super Secret Settings".
  • According to the developer, oats cannot be made into alcohol because one cannot make alcohol from 100% oat.