Animal Husbandry

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Grid Chicken.png Grid Cow.png Grid Horse.png Grid Pig.png Grid Sheep.png

Chickens, Cows, Horses, Pigs and Sheep are all livestock.


Grid Barley (Grain).png Barley Grid Oat (Grain).png Oat Grid Rice (Grain).png Rice Grid Rye (Grain).png Rye Grid Wheat (Grain).png Wheat Grid Maize (Harvest).png Maize

Livestock will follow any type of refined grain, as well as maize ears in a similar way that vanilla animals will follow wheat, carrots and seeds. Rope also behaves the same way as the vanilla leads in wrangling up livestock.


Grid Wolf.png

Wolves are initially familiarized and claimed through the vanilla method of giving bones until heart particles appear. After initial familiarization, the animal will recognize the player as its owner and follow it around, but it is not completely obedient, and therefore will not accept commands to sit or stand, and will continue to kill livestock when it is hungry. Disobedient dogs can be forced to sit by tying them to a fence using rope, and forced to stand by tying them to a player. It is important to note however that dogs tied to a fence will still stand up to attack animals that are within close range. Once the dog is no longer angry, it will return to sitting as long as it is tied to the fence. If the fence that the dog is tied to is broken, the dog will remain sitting until it gets up to attack something nearby. If a dog is angry, the owner can calm it through leashing with a rope to themselves. When a dog has reached a high enough familiarization level through petting, it will become fully tame and obedient, signified by the addition of a collar.


Grid Raw Beef.pngGrid Cooked Beef.png Beef Grid Raw Fish.pngGrid Cooked Fish.png Fish Grid Raw Horse Meat.pngGrid Cooked Horse Meat.png Horse Meat Grid Raw Mutton.pngGrid Cooked Mutton.png Mutton Grid Raw Porkchop.pngGrid Cooked Porkchop.png Pork Grid Raw Chicken.pngGrid Cooked Chicken.png Poultry Grid Raw Venison.pngGrid Cooked Venison.png Venison

Dog food is only used for breeding, and fulfilling the animal's hunger so that it can regenerate health. Wolves and dogs will not follow non-owner players who are holding food.


Ownership of dogs can be transferred to another player using the command /transfer <username> when the player is near a tamed dog. If no characters are entered after the command (i.e. /transfer verbatim), the dog will be set free. Players cannot transfer dogs to themselves, transfer dogs they do not own, or if they have more than one transferrable dog within range.

Wild Animals

Grid Bear.png Grid Deer.png Grid Pheasant.png

Bear, Deer, and Pheasants are wild, and cannot be bred. Wild animals will respawn and despawn in the world, with the exception of animals that have been named, or roped at least once, which won't despawn.


All animals have a familiarity value which needs to be increased in order to interact in certain ways such as milking cows, shearing sheep, riding horses, breeding animals, and naming animals. The specific values for each of these interactions varies from species to species, with some requiring more work than others. Familiarity can be increased by performing a particular action once every 24 in-game hours. For animals that are familiarized through feeding, the player must offer the food while sneaking (Default: ⇧ Shift) as to not spook the animal.

Animal Action
Grid Bear.png Bear Feed Fish Grid Raw Fish.pngGrid Cooked Fish.png
Grid Chicken.png Chicken Feed Grain Grid Barley (Grain).pngGrid Oat (Grain).pngGrid Rice (Grain).pngGrid Rye (Grain).pngGrid Wheat (Grain).pngGrid Maize (Harvest).png
Grid Cow.png Cow Milk (Female Only) or Feed Grain Grid Wooden Bucket (Milk).pngGrid Barley (Grain).pngGrid Oat (Grain).pngGrid Rice (Grain).pngGrid Rye (Grain).pngGrid Wheat (Grain).pngGrid Maize (Harvest).png
Grid Deer.png Deer Feed Salt Grid Salt.png
Grid Horse.png Horse Feed Grain until ridable, then ride for at least 30 seconds. Grid Saddle.pngGrid Barley (Grain).pngGrid Oat (Grain).pngGrid Rice (Grain).pngGrid Rye (Grain).pngGrid Wheat (Grain).pngGrid Maize (Harvest).png
Grid Pig.png Pig Feed Grain Grid Barley (Grain).pngGrid Oat (Grain).pngGrid Rice (Grain).pngGrid Rye (Grain).pngGrid Wheat (Grain).pngGrid Maize (Harvest).png
Grid Sheep.png Sheep Shear or Feed Grain Grid Shears.pngGrid Barley (Grain).pngGrid Oat (Grain).pngGrid Rice (Grain).pngGrid Rye (Grain).pngGrid Wheat (Grain).pngGrid Maize (Harvest).png
Grid Wolf.png Wolf/Dog Feed Bones until claimed, then right click while sneaking to pet Grid Bone.png ⇧ Shift + Rmb.png Right Click

Familiarity will decrease slightly each day if it hasn't reached at least 30% and the animal hasn't been interacted with in the past 24 hours. Adult animals have a limit of how tame they can become through familiarization, with only baby animals having the ability to become fully domesticated, gaining familiarity much faster than adults. Baby animals retain 50% of their mother’s familiarity when born, unless she is close to maximum familiarity, in which case they will retain 90% of it.

Familiarity Indicator

Sneaking and looking directly at an animal will display a familiarity indicator. The indicator will fill with red as familiarity increases, turning gold when it has reached either the cap for the adult animal, or 100%. A white border around the indicator means that the animal has reached at least 30%, and that the familiarity will no longer decrease if the animal is not periodically familiarized.

Indicator Grid Heart0.png Grid Heart1.png Grid Heart2.png Grid Heart3.png Grid Heart3W.png Grid Heart4.png Grid Heart5.png Grid Heart6.png Grid Heart7.png Grid Heart8.png Grid Heart9.png Grid Heart10.png Grid Heart11.png Grid HeartF.png
Percentage 0 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 25 26 - 29 30 - 33 34 - 41 42 - 50 51 - 58 59 - 66 67 - 75 76 - 83 84 - 91 92 - 99 100


Animals (excluding squid) have different genders (male or female), which is determined randomly at the time that the animals spawns. Other than bears, horses and wolves, these animals have visual cues to easily determine the gender such as antlers, horns, tusks, udders and different feather colors. For mobs that do not have visual cues, the player can be Rmb.png Right Click on the animal for a chat message stating the gender.

Animal Male Traits Female Traits
Grid Bear.png Bear¹ N/A
Grid Chicken.png Chicken Red Feathers, Stands Upright White Feathers, Vanilla Posture
Grid Cow.png Cow Long Horns, No Udder Shorter Horns, Udder
Grid Deer.png Deer¹ Long Antlers No Antlers
Grid Horse.png Horse N/A
Grid Pheasant.png Pheasant¹ Brightly Colored Feathers Brownish Colored Feathers
Grid Pig.png Pig Long Tusks No Tusks
Grid Sheep.png Sheep Large Horns No Horns
Grid Wolf.png Wolf/Dog N/A

¹While Bears, Deer, and Pheasants have different genders, they cannot be bred.


All breedable animals with the exception of chickens are bred by bringing two of the same familiarized animal of opposite genders relatively close together, and feeding both of them until they are full, and heart particles start appearing. The animals will consume 5 ounces of grain each time they are fed. If both animals have heart particles, they will move to be close together for a few seconds, before the particles disappear. A successful breeding can be confirmed with a Rmb.png Right Click on the female animal, which will result in a chat message stating, "Pregnant".


Chickens are bred through the use of a Nest Box. Hens will lay eggs once a day if they are sitting in the nest box, and if there's a rooster within 5 blocks of the nest box, the egg will be fertilized. A fertilized egg is noted with a "Fertilized" tool-tip on the item.

Straw Straw Grid layout Arrow (small).png Nest Box
Lumber (Sequoia) Straw Lumber (Spruce)
Lumber (Sycamore) Lumber (White Cedar) Lumber (White Elm)

Pregnancy and Babies

For all breedable animals other than chickens, the female will become pregnant directly after breeding. Once a female animal has become pregnant, the gestation time must pass before she is able to give birth. Note: This calculation is based on months, not days. So a world with a longer yearLength configuration will result in longer pregnancies, because there are more days in each month.

When the pregnancy time is complete, the female will give birth. The gestation time, age until adulthood, and the number of offspring that are born is dependent on the type of animal.

Animal Gestation Time Babies Adult Age
Grid Chicken.png Chicken 0.75 Months 1 4.14 Months
Grid Cow.png Cow 9 Months 1 36 Months
Grid Horse.png Horse 11.17 Months 1 30 Months
Grid Pig.png Pig 3.7 Months 8 to 12 15 Months
Grid Sheep.png Sheep 5 Months 1 to 3 12 Months
Grid Wolf.png Wolf/Dog 2.25 Months 1 to 2 9 Months

Baby Chicks

After a fertilized egg has been sitting in a nest box for 3/4th of a month, the egg will hatch into a baby chick. Note: This calculation is based on months, not days. So a world with a longer yearLength configuration will result in longer incubation, because there are more days in each month.

Genetic Traits

All genetic traits are inheritable, and when two animals mate the resulting offspring will have a value for the trait that is an average of the trait of both parents, plus a third randomly chosen value. In other words, breeding two animals with a high value for a specific trait will produce babies that have a statistically higher average value, and could possibly be a value that is not found in animals that spawned in the wild naturally.

Genetic traits include modifiers for size, strength, aggression and obedience. The size of an animal determines how large the animal actually is, as well as how much meat and the size of the hide that is dropped on death. The obedience and aggression of an animal determines how much familiarity it will gain with each interaction. The aggression and strength of a hostile animal, such as bears and wolves, determines how much damage the animal will deal when attacking other entities.


Animal Butchery Products Harvestable Products Notes
Grid Bear.png Bear Grid Hide (Raw).pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Hide, Bones
Grid Chicken.png Chicken Grid Raw Chicken.pngGrid Feather.pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Poultry, Feathers, Bones
Grid Egg.pngGrid Feather.png
Eggs, Feathers
If the hens have a Nest Box nearby, they will lay eggs once a day.
⇧ Shift + Rmb.png Right Click with an open hand to pluck feathers.
Plucking hurts the bird and decreases its familiarity. The bird can be killed with the damage dealt by plucking.
Grid Cow.png Cow Grid Raw Beef.pngGrid Hide (Raw).pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Beef, Raw Hide, Bones
Grid Wooden Bucket (Milk).png
Female Cows can be milked once every 24 hours.¹
Grid Deer.png Deer Grid Raw Venison.pngGrid Hide (Raw).pngGrid Bone.png
Venison, Raw Hide, Bones
Grid Horse.png Horse Grid Raw Horse Meat.pngGrid Hide (Raw).pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Horse Meat, Raw Hide, Bones
Grid Pheasant.png Pheasant Grid Raw Chicken.pngGrid Feather.pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Poultry, Feathers, Bones
Grid Feather.png
⇧ Shift + Rmb.png Right Click with an open hand to pluck feathers.
Plucking hurts the bird and decreases its familiarity. The bird can be killed with the damage dealt by plucking.
Grid Pig.png Pig Grid Raw Porkchop.pngGrid Hide (Raw).pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Pork, Raw Hide, Bones
Grid Sheep.png Sheep Grid Raw Mutton.pngGrid Sheepskin.pngGrid Bone.png
Raw Mutton, Sheepskin, Bones
Grid Wool.png
Rmb.png Right Click with shears or a knife on adult sheep to get Wool
Use a knife on the Sheepskin to get Wool and Raw Hide.

¹Requires high familiarity.


Main article: Configuration
Option Default
time Options related to time.
animalTimeMultiplier 1.0
This is a global multiplier for the gestation period of animals, as well as how long it takes for them to reach adulthood. Decrease for faster times. [range: 0.01 ~ 100.0]


v2 Build 48fAnimals give birth to the correct number of animals as they would in real life. This should give more incentive to breed animals.
0.78.11Breeding animals consumes 5 oz of the specific food, not the entire item.
0.79.0Removed chat gender message for all animals with visual gender differences.
All animals now have a familiarity value.
Added command to transfer ownership of an animal to another player.
Adjusted pregnancy times for animals and the length of time for them to reach adulthood.
Deer, bears, and wolves are considered wild, and will despawn and respawn.
Any animal that has been roped at least once will not despawn.
0.79.9Deer no longer run from players if familiarized enough.
Bears no longer attack players if familiarized enough. Bears should still attack players if attacked first.
Added familiarity indicator to animals.
0.79.11Tweaked wolf litter sizes to be one to two puppies.
0.79.13The owner of a wolf can leash it to remove its anger toward a target. Note: This is still wonky when wolves are angry at other wolves.
0.79.14Chickens will follow all livestock food instead of just wheat grain.
Livestock will follow maize ears in addition to grains.
Adjusted familiarity indicator display to better indicate progress.
0.79.15Familiar animals can be renamed.
Increased adult familiarity cap for bears, deer and pheasants as they cannot be bred.
The adult familiarity cap for all animals that can be bred is below the required value for naming.
Plucking decreases Chicken and Pheasant familiarity.
Wolves can eat all meat except for calamari.
Wolves only accept bones if they do not have an owner.
0.79.16Breeding horses results in random variations.
Donkeys and horses can be bred to create mules.
Feeding an animal while breeding or familiarizing replenishes hunger.
0.79.19Added baby pheasant texture.
Added localisation support for "Male", "Female", and "Pregnant" chat messages.
Dog tails rotate according to the animal's health, just like with vanilla dogs.
Added number overlay to the health bar when riding animals.
0.79.21Added animal time multiplier config option that changes both gestation period times and required days until adulthood.
0.79.22Added WAILA support for animals.
0.79.23Bears no longer attempt to attack players on peaceful difficulty.
Bears and wolves no longer attack other animals on peaceful difficulty.
0.79.25Angry untamed claimed dogs who are tied to a fence stand up to attack nearby animals, instead of attacking while sitting down.
The more familiar a dog or bear is, the less likely it is to attack players or other animals.
Adult animals who have reached their familiarity cap have a yellow, partially-filled heart indicator.


See Also

  • The natural spawning of animals during world generation is based on the area's climate.