Differences From TFC

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Welcome to TFC+

Welcome to Terrafirmacraft+! TFC+ makes many significant improvements and changes from Terrafirmacraft Classic, which this page documents. This page is for existing players of Terrafirmacraft that are migrating to Terrafirmacraft+, and is a gentle, large-picture introduction to Terrafirmacraft+. For notable specific changes, see List of Changes from TFC. For a full log of version differences, see the Changelog. If you are a new player, look at the Stone-Age Guide instead.

This article assumes you have installed Terrafirmacraft+; if you need assistance or have difficulty in installing the mod, look at the Installation page. Terrafirmacraft+ may cause a higher performance impact than Terrafirmacraft Classic. For suggestions on how to mitigate the impact, see Performance Optimization. If you require support for Terrafirmacraft+, you can visit the Discord or Subreddit.


World Generation

The largest differences between Terrafirmacraft Classic and Terrafirmacraft+ lie in world generation. World generation has been given an complete overhaul in Terrafirmacraft+. Rivers are now much larger, and will sometimes generate clay on their riverbeds. Temperature calculations for world generation have been massively changed, meaning there are no longer any abrupt climate changes, and climate smoothly changes from the poles to the equator. Sunrise and sunset times are now based on latitude and season of the year. Days get shorter in winter and longer in summer for temperate areas. Towards the poles, these changes are more extreme: the sun may not rise in winter, and may stay above the horizon in summer, causing polar night and midnight sun.


Main article: Regions
A process of elimination can be used to determine your region

In the original Terrafirmacraft, the world was generated based on three variables: Rainfall, EVT, and Temperature. Terrafirmacraft+ introduces a fourth variable, Regions, which, along with the original three variables now decides what trees, crops, and animals generate in an area. The regions, which are molded after the continents of Earth, are the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Mountain ranges will generate on the borders of two regions, serving as a marker between them.

Different regions also cause several changes to happen. In Asia, for instance, crafting a Straw Hat will make it look conical. In other regions, crafted Straw Hats will appear flat. This, combined with the knowledge of what trees, crops, and animals generate, can be used to guess what region a player is in. The only way to precisely tell what region a player is in is to use the Compass, which will tell the player the region they are in in the top left hand corner of the screen.


Main article: Biome

More padding has been added between Beach and Ocean biomes in the form of a Shore biome. Shore biomes may spawn Coral Reefs, which have abundant fish mob spawns. The amount of Seaweed that spawns in Shore biomes have also been bumped up.

Body Temperature

Main article: Body Temperature
Body Temperature Bar.png

In Terrafirmacraft, players are now affected by their body temperature, and must manage it to survive. The player's body temperature is affected by the ambient temperature of the environment they are in, the season, and the blocks around them. If the player is too hot, or too cold, they will begin to suffer negative effects, such as Slowness and Mining Fatigue. If they are too hot, they will also begin to "sweat", and lose hydration faster, while if they are too cold, they will begin to lose hunger faster in order to warm themselves up. Prolonged exposure in extreme temperatures may even cause the player to die. Body temperature can be managed by crafting Clothing, by being under shelter such as Roofs, and by being near certain blocks such as Firepits.

The player's current body temperature status is shown by a thermometer in the bottom right side of the screen. The current ambient temperature is shown by the indicator on the thermometer, while the player's acceptable range of temperatures are shown by the colors on the gauge, where green indicates the temperatures in which a player is comfortable, while blue and red indicate being cold and being hot respectively. Wearing clothing, being under shelter and being near certain blocks will affect the player's acceptable range of temperatures.


Main article: Trees
Trees generating with thin trunks

Unlike the original Terrafirmacraft, where only three types of trees can generate in an area, in Terrafirmacraft, any type of tree can generate as long as the climate and region is suitable.

Most trees now generate with thin trunks and with branches. They will drop thin logs, which cannot be built with. However, four thin logs can be crafted into stacked logs, which can be used to build. Occasionally, a Large tree will generate, which is significantly larger than the other trees. They will drop large logs, which are like the old Terrafirmacraft logs, and can be chopped with an ax to create Chopped Logs, which are the same as normal small logs.

Fruit trees are generated differently from Terrafirmacraft. They generate like every other tree, with thin trunks and branches. Unlike Terrafirmacraft, one cannot obtain saplings by breaking branches. Instead, at least 40oz of undecayed fruit must be placed in the center slot of a Large Ceramic Vessel, and surrounded with 2 dirt in every other slot. Once the fruit decays completely, it will be replaced with a fruit tree sapling.

Under trees, leaf litter will generate. Leaf litter can be broken to obtain mushrooms, feathers, or sticks. Undergrowth will also generate in forests, and can be broken with an ax to obtain sticks.


Terrafirmacraft+ adds several new crops: grapes, black-eyed peas, melons, bananas, papayas, dates, woad, weld, madder, cotton, agave, and flax.

Among these crops, several behave differently from the crops of the original Terrafirmacraft:

Grapes are planted on ladders, and take a year to grow. They can be harvested without being broken. Woad, weld, and madder can be made into liquid dye (blue, yellow, and red, respectively) to dye clothing. Cotton and flax can be made into cloth for the creation of clothing. Agave is an alternative to Jute.

Ores and Minerals

Grid Chalcocite.png Grid Chalcopyrite.png
Chalcocite Chalcopyrite

Two new copper ores are added: Chalcocite, and Chalcopyrite. Chalcocite is a dark bluish color, and spawns in Sedimentary rocks. Chalcopyrite is golden in color, and spawns in Igneous Intrusive rocks. This makes all of the stone types generate copper ores. Gypsum is now used to make plaster, which can decorate and fireproof building blocks.


All animals are slated to receive new models, such as this one for the Wild Boar (pig).
Animal Wild Domesticated



Wild Only: Cannot be domesticated.

  1. Crossbreed between Donkey and Horse.

Animals in Terrafirmacraft+ are undergoing an overhaul. They are being updated with new models, animation, sounds, functionality, and behavior. In general, all animals will now spawn as wild species that can then be domesticated. Domesticated animals have behavior that is more beneficial for the player. For instance, Mouflon, a wild variety of Sheep, only grow wool when it is cold, but domesticated Sheep grow wool year-round.

In addition, all animals are receiving new behavior. They will lie down and sleep at night, seek shelter in the rain, and forage through leaf litter for food. They will also hit back when players harm them, and certain animals may proceed hunt down and attempt to kill the player. The amount of damage they deal is dependent on their body size. This makes hunting a larger challenge.

Fish mobs have also been improved. They now spawn in Rivers, Shores, and Oceans. Terrafirmacraft+ adds a large variety of new fish mobs that spawn in different locations. Fishing has been given an overhaul: for more information about the new system, see Fishing Rod. Shellfish, such as Scallops and Seastars, have also been added.


Beehives can occasionally be found in the wild, hanging off tree branches, or embedded inside Large Logs. The player can use the Fertile Honeycomb inside these beehives to create their own hives and to produce honey and wax, and to boost the production of nearby crops and fruit trees.



Weapons now have attack speed and range. For example, the Knife has a short range while the Javelin has a long range. The range is stated in the item's tool tip. The crosshair will show a red circle while the weapon is on cooldown.

Musical Instruments

Several functioning Musical Instruments are added. These include the Bone Flute, the Bugle, the Conch, the Lyre, the Horn and the Drums.

Straw Weaving

Straw is much more important in Terrafirmacraft+ as opposed to vanilla Terrafirmacraft. Straw can now be woven by holding more than 5 pieces in your hand and Rmb.png Right Clicking. Many early-game clothing pieces, and the new Basket, which is an early game non-portable storage solution (unlike the Large Vessel, it will drop its items if it is broken), are made from Straw.

Straw and hide beds can now be slept in. There are no disadvantages for sleeping in a straw and hide bed right now.

title= title= title= title= title= title= Straw Hat
title= title= title= title= title=
title= Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw title=
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
title= title= title= title= title=

The straw hat gives a small heat resistance bonus.

Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw title= Grass Shirt
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw

The Grass Shirt gives a small heat resistance bonus.

title= Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw title= title= Grass Skirt
title= Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw title=
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
title= title= title= title= title=

The Grass Skirt gives a small heat resistance bonus.

title= title= title= title= title= title= Grass Sandals
title= title= title= title= title=
Flat Straw Flat Straw title= Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw title= Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw title= Flat Straw Flat Straw

Grass Sandals give a small speed bonus on sand.

title= Flat Straw title= Flat Straw title= title= Grass Cloak
title= Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw title=
title= Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw title=
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw

The Grass Cloak gives a moderate cold resistance bonus. It is worn on the back slot.

Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw title= Straw Basket
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw title= title= title= Flat Straw
Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw Flat Straw

The Straw basket works like a small chest. Unlike the Large Vessel, it cannot store liquids, and will drop its items if broken.


To manage Body Temperature, clothing must be made. Early game clothing can be made from Straw, but better and more effective clothing must be made from cloth or fur. Terrafirmacraft+ adds a few new sources of cloth. Along with wool, cloth can now be made from cotton, flax, silk, jute, and agave. Cotton, silk and flax become cotton cloth, silk cloth and linen cloth respectively. Jute and agave become burlap cloth, which cannot be made into clothing, but can be made into Burlap Sacks, which are a new storage and preservation for non-grain food.

Fur is a new addition in Terrafirmacraft+. Bears and Wolves have their own unique versions of Fur, while Mouflon and Deer drop a Generic Fur. Fur can be made into clothing that gives a large amount of cold protection.

In order to create clothing, pieces of cloth must be cut into clothing pieces, which must then be sewn with a Needle in order to create the final clothing piece. There are two types of Needles, the Bone Needle, and the Iron Needle. Bone Needles are obtained by continuously hitting a Stone Block with a Bone. Several Bones will need to be broken before a Bone Needle will be produced. Iron Needles are made by working an iron ingot. The Needles must be threaded with sinew, or any fiber, before it can be used to sew. To open the sewing interface, Rmb.png Right Click with an item that can be sewn. Then, load the correct amount of pieces into the slots. For example, a Shirt requires two shirt bodies and two shirt sleeves. An image of the final item will be shown, with red lines indicating where it must be sewn. The Needle's tip must be used to trace the red lines, within an acceptable accuracy. Any incorrect lines will show up in red, and must be cut away by using the tip of a knife by Rmb.png Right Clicking. Bone Needles are also used in the crafting of the Fishing Rod.

Many items are added that are crafted by sewing.

  • Bags can be crafted from raw hide and leather. One small raw hide or one leather can be crafted into two Bag Pieces, which can be sewn together to make a Raw Hide or Leather Bag. Bags take damage - raw Hide bags last only a month, while the Leather bags can last a year.
  • Burlap Sacks, as mentioned, are a preservation and storage solution for non-grain food. One Burlap Cloth becomes two Burlap Sack Pieces, which then can be sewn into one Burlap Sack.
  • Clothing can manage body temperature, depending on the piece and material. Silk Cloth and Straw are good for hot climates, while Wool and Cotton cloth are good for cold climates. Linen is good for either hot or cold climates, depending on the piece you craft.

The table below shows the protection various materials and pieces provide.

Clothing Temperature Protection [Edit]
Grid Linen Socks.png Socks/Foot Wraps Grid Linen Pants.png Pants/Skirt Grid Linen Shirt.png Shirt Grid Linen Coat.png Coat/Cloak Grid Linen Robe.png Robe Grid Linen Hat.png Hat Grid Boots Bear.png Boots/Sandals
Grid Linen Cloth.png Linen Cloth = + + + ++ + N/A
Grid Cotton Cloth.png Cotton Cloth = + + ++ −− +++ = N/A
Grid Silk Cloth.png Silk Cloth + + + + ++ ++ + + + N/A
Grid Wool Cloth.png Wool Cloth + + + −− +++ −− ++++ + N/A
Grid Wolf Fur.png Wolf Fur N/A −− +++ N/A −− ++++ N/A ++ 1 ++
Grid Bear Fur.png Bear Fur N/A N/A N/A −−− +++++ N/A ++ 1 ++
Grid Scrap Fur.png Fur N/A N/A N/A −− +++ N/A + +
Grid Straw.png Straw/Grass + + + −− ++ N/A + =
− + Heat Resistance penalty/bonus − + Cold Resistance penalty/bonus = Neutral
  1. There are two varieties of fur hat: the generic fur hat that is sewn, and the animal's head hat, which is cut from the fur using a knife. They are identical in protection.

Clothing made from Cloth can be dyed. Woad, weld, ash, ink sacs, and madder can be made into liquid dye (blue, yellow, white, black, and red, respectively) to dye clothing, by placing them in a barrel of tannin. Clothing gradually becomes deeper colored every hour it is placed in the dye.

Clothing will get wet if a player is submerged in water. To dry clothing, the clothes must be placed in a firepit. Wet clothing does not provide as much temperature protection.

New Pottery

Three new ceramic items are added: the Blowpipe, the Sheet Mold, and the Ceramic Bucket. The Blowpipe and Sheet Mold can be used for Glassworking to create Glass Bottles and Glass Panes from Molten Glass. The Sheet Mold can also make metal sheets from castable metals. The Ceramic Bucket can contain water, and is used to wet Dirt and Straw to create Mud.

CFD CFL CFD CFL CFD title= Clay Blowpipe

The Blowpipe can be used to make glass bottles. Place the Blowpipe in a vessel of molten glass, and let it fill. Rmb.png Right Click to remove the finished glass bottle.

CFL CFL CFL CFL CFL title= Clay Sheet Mold

The Sheet Mold can be used to make glass and metal sheets.

CFD CFD CFD CFD CFD title= Clay Bucket

The Clay Bucket is used to carry water. It is an early game alternative to the wooden bucket, and allows for the crafting of Mud.


Glassworking is overhauled to be more realistic. Molten Glass is made from smelting a 1:1:1 ratio Silica Sand, Lime, and Soda Ash, or a 1:1:2 ratio with Ash replacing Soda Ash, in a Ceramic Vessel. The resulting glass can be poured into a Sheet Mold to make Glass Sheets, or into a Blowpipe to make Glass Bottles. Once the molten glass is in the blowpipe, one can simply Rmb.png Right Click Right Click to remove the glass bottle. If more than 1000 units of Molten Glass is left to solidify, it will turn into Glass Blocks.



Several roofing solutions are added. Roofing can be used for decoration, and also provides heat or cold protection. Thatch Roofs can be made from Straw Blocks and a stick, and provides a moderate cold protection bonus to players below it. Ceramic Tile Roofs are made from Ceramic Tiles, which can be crafted by wrapping clay around a Log, and then baked in a Pit Kiln. They provide heat and cold protection. Slate Roofs are made from Slate Shingles, which can be crafted by crafting a Chisel with Slate Bricks. They provide enormous amounts of cold protection, and a moderate amount of heat protection. Copper Roofs can be crafted using copper plates, and can be turned into Green Copper Roofs using Ammonium Chloride. All Roofs will raise the texture of the solid blocks below them to create a seamless texture. All roofs can be crafted into peaks and steep roofs, and all roofs except Thatch Roofs can be made into shallow roofs.

Name Shallow Normal Steep Notes
Grid Thatch Roof.png Thatch Roof
Grid Ceramic Tile Roof.png Ceramic Tile Roof
Grid Slate Roof.png Slate Roof
Grid Copper Roof.png Copper Roof


Mud is a construction material that can be can be formed into Mud Bricks and dried in the sun to make Mudbrick blocks. Mud can also be applied to Wattle walls to make Wattle and Daub blocks.

Mud is crafted by dropping and equal number of Dirt and Straw on the ground, and then pouring water from a Wooden or Ceramic Bucket onto the items. 1 straw and 1 dirt will create 2 mud. A bucket of water can turn 32 dirt and 32 straw into 64 mud.


Craft Mud Bricks by placing Mud in a crafting slot.

Mud Mud Brick Wet
Grid layout Arrow (small).png

Mud Bricks must be dried by shift and right clicking it onto the ground and leaving them exposed to the sun during the day (6 AM - 6 PM). The mud brick will change to a lighter color once it is dried and can be picked up by left-clicking the block. The dried mud bricks can now be used to craft Mudbrick blocks.

Mud Brick Mud Brick Granite Mudbrick2
Grid layout Arrow (small).png
Mud Brick Mud Brick

Mudbrick blocks will turn back into dirt if they get wet from the rain. They can be protected by a Roof, such as a Thatch Roof.

Wattle and Daub

Mud can be daubed over a Wattle by holding it and right-clicking. Wattle and Daub does not need to dry and does not dissolve in the rain.


A dirt road and a stone road made of Marble side by side

Roads are a type of utility block that provide a speed boost to players or entities on top of them.

There are two types of roads, the Dirt Road, and the Stone Road.


A new, larger, Kiln is added in order to kiln many items at once. However, it is more expensive to make and operate, and takes more time to process the items.


Teepees (also known as Tipis or Chūms) are portable tents that also function as Beds. Sleeping in a Teepee will not reset a player's spawn point. They can be used to sleep in the extreme cold/heat. To construct a Teepee, hold shift and right click four Wooden Spears into the ground 1 block apart from each other. To complete the Teepee, use either two large or four medium hides or furs/fur scraps on the middle of the four spears.

Rope Ladders

A rope ladder can be crafted with rope and stick bundles. 6 Ropes and 3 Bundles of Sticks can be crafted into 32 Rope Ladders. They can be used to safely descend from great heights.

Future Updates

Main article: Planned Features

There are many planned future updates and features for Terrafirmacraft+, including additions to and overhauls of the carpentry, smithing, and cooking systems.